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A 1960 photo of
Harold Lutes Founder of
Stereo Club of So Calif,
inventor of the Lutes Stereo film cutter, the
Compco 500 Stereo Projector and the Triad Stereo Slide Projector, amongst other non-photographic inventions, including medical inventions.

3D images of presidents
images OF and BY Presidents in order

1949 Dr Harold Lutes 1st SCSC President from 1955-1957 and Cory Davis - San Gabriel
1986 Dr Harold Lutes 1st SCSC President from 1955-1957
by Susan Pinsky

1972 Dr Duane Smith SCSC Pres. 1957-58, Shirley Smith and
Thelma Wilson Dec by Charlie Piper

Comedy of Errors by Mrs Elyga Wenger
(SCSC Pres. 1958-1959)

1972 George Pond (SCSC Pres. 1959-60) and Veryle Pond Stereo Club of So Calif. Dec banquet by Charlie Piper

Golden Pathway by Merle Ewell (SCSC Pres. 1960-1961)

Sylvia Sikes (SCSC Pres. 1961-1963) by Susan Pinsky
1983 - Five SCSC presidents Stergis M. Stergis, Sylvia Sikes (2 terms, 1961-1963), Rick Finney, Russ Terrill and
Marilyn Felling by Susan Pinsky

Looking for 3-D images OF or BY Lew Butterfield,
SCSC President 1963-1964

1971 Max and Valerie Bruensteiner, Russ (SCSC Pres.
1965-66) and Frieda Terrill SCSC Dec Holiday banquet
by Charlie Piper
1971 Charles Osborn (SCSC Pres. 1966-67) Dec Stereo Club
of So Calif holiday banquet by Charles Piper

1972 Gerald Church, Elmer Weidknecht on right
(SCSC Pres. 1967-68) and Helen Church in April at
Stereo Club of So. Calif banquet by Charles Piper
Maudie and Stergis M. Stergis (SCSC Pres. 1968-69)
by Susan Pinsky

Dr Art Spalding, SCSC President 1968-1970 - looking for
any image OF or BY him

1982 SCSC Arrowhead Slide Sequence judging weekend - Bert Laursen (SCSC Pres.1970-71) at Rick Finney and
Jerry Walter's cabin petting Moses by Susan Pinsky

1971 Marge Adams and Stereo Club of So Calif. Pres. Lester Lauck 1971-72 Dec at SCSC banquet by Charlie Piper

Red Sweater (SCSC Pres. 1976-77 - two terms)
by Floyd Garton
1971 Harold Candlish, Floyd Garton (SCSC Pres. 1972-74), Maude & Stergis M. Stergis (SCSC Pres. 1968-69)
Dec banquet by Charles Piper

1971 Gladys Clark, Gladys and Bryan Riggs
(SCSC Pres. 1974-1975 ) by Charles Piper

1957 Jean and Charlie Piper (SCSC Pres. 1975-1977)
renewing vows, Mr and Mrs Rosselot and friend
in newspaper dresses 11 May
1983 Charlie Piper (SCSC Pres. 1975-1977 - 2 terms) and Susan Pinsky Sept at PSA San Francisco by David Starkman

1981 Jerry Walter (1977-79 - 2 terms) at Dec banquet
by Susan Pinsky

Jerry Walter (SCSC Pres. 1977-1979) and husband
Rick Finney (SCSC Pres. 1980-1981) by Susan Pinsky

1980 Tim (SCSC Pres. 1979-1980), Amanda and Katy Cardinale at SCSC banquet by Susan Pinsky

1981 Rick Finney SCSC Pres. 1980-81 at July
Sorrentino's Awards banquet by Susan Pinsky

1984 National Stereoscopic Assn. Manchester, NH
David Starkman (SCSC Pres. 1981-1982) with twin Konica
on Kinnard tripod by Susan Pinsky
1981 Charlie Piper (SCSC Pres. 1975-1977), Marilyn Felling (SCSC Pres. 1982-1983) and Rick Finney (SCSC Pres.
1980-1981) at July SCSC Awards banquet by Susan Pinsky

1983 Susan Pinsky, Jack Kirby and Tony Alderson (SCSC Pres. 1983-1984) American Comic Co. "Battle for a 3D World" comic signing by David Starkman

1984 Bob Kneisel (SCSC Pres. 1984-85) receiving
Stergis Award July Awards banquet by Susan Pinsky

2006 Lucy Chapa & David Kuntz SCSC Pres. 1985-86
at July banquet by Susan Pinsky
1988 Ray Zone (SCSC Pres. 1986-1988), Marjorie Webster, Bill Shepard, Jason Caldwell, Oliver Dean, Gail Zone,
David Starkman and Jim Murray at July meeting
by Susan Pinsky

2013 Ray Zone (SCSC Pres. 1986-1988 - 2 terms)
by Susan Pinsky

Greg Hooper SCSC Pres. 1988-89 by David Starkman

1990 Bruce Elliott SCSC Pres. 1989-1990, Greg Hooper SCSC Pres. 1988-89 and James Murray at July Awards banquet
by Susan Pinsky

1983 Board meeting at Pad McLaughlin's SCSC Pres. 1990-1991 apartment on National Blvd. with Susan Pinsky, Greg Hooper, Pad and Ray Zone by David Starkman

1980 Susan Pinsky SCSC 1991-1993 - 2 terms, with Realist Macro and Jim Lott at Lake Arrowhead by David Starkman
1993 Susan Pinsky SCSC Pres. 1991-1993 - 2 terms - giving out Certificates of Appreciation July by David Starkman

1994 Chris Olson SCSC Pres. 1994-96 - 2 terms, awarding
Mitch Walker SCSC Pres. 1993-1994 by David Starkman

1989 SCSC Yosemite outing Jim Murray, Greg Hooper
SCSC Pres. 1997-1998, Susan Pinsky SCSC 1991-1993
by David Starkman - fisheye

2006 Lawrence and Cassie Kaufman SCSC Pres.1998-2000 -
2 terms - at banquet at Taix's by Susan Pinsky

2005 SCSC Lawrence Kaufman (SCSC Pres. 1998-2000
2 terms) Night April meeting by David Starkman

2005 Steve Berezin SCSC Pres. 2000-2001, Ray Zone SCSC Pres. 1986-1988, and Philip Steinman SCSC Pres. 2002-2004 - 2 terms, at Holiday Banquet at Sean Isroelite's art colony home by Susan Pinsky
Steve Berezin SCSC Pres. 2000-2001, David Starkman SCSC 1981-1982 and Susan Pinsky SCSC Pres. 1991-1993
2006 SCSC Banquet Aug Marie and Philip Steinman SCSC Pres. 2002-2004 - 2 terms by Susan Pinsky

2010 Jeff Amaral SCSC Pres. 2006-2008 2 terms,
Susan Pinsky, Dr John Hart, Lawrence Kaufman, Ray Zone
and Kathleen Fairweather Feb 19 2010 International
3D Society Awards Ceremony by David Starkman

Jeff Amaral LA3D Pres. 2006-2008 - 2 terms - fisheye

2014 Nine LA3D Club Past Presidents including Barry Rothstein LA3D Pres. 2008-2010 - 2 terms -
by Valerie Lettera-Spletzer

2015 Barry Rothstein LA3D Pres. 2008-2010 - 2 terms and
Betsy Rothstein by David Starkman

2008 Eric Kurland LA3D Pres. 2010-2015 - 5 terms -
Jodi Kurland, Susan Pinsky, Scott Ressler and Kathy Day
at Phillipe's restaurant by David Starkman

2008 Eric Kurland LA3D Pres. 2010-2015 - 5 terms - running projector at LA3D meeting by David Starkman

2012 Eric Kurland LA3D Pres. 2010-2015 - 5 terms - with Jodi Kurland and Brian May, Queen lead guitarist at National Stereoscopic Assn Costa Mesa, CA convention
by Susan Pinsky

2008 SCSC Banquet at Taix Aug Kevin and Philip Steinman SCSC Pres. 2002-2004 - 2 terms - with Jim Long
by Susan Pinsky

2006 Sean Isroelit 2004-2006 2 terms - SCSC Oct Auction
by Susan Pinsky

2005 Sean Isroelit 2004-2006 2 terms - with Philip Steinman SCSC 2002-2004 - 2 terms, Marie Steinman and David Starkman SCSC 1981-1982 at banquet at Sean Isroelit's
art colony by Susan Pinsky

2013 Vivian Walworth, Susan Pinsky, Terry Wilson, Eric Kurland, LA3D Pres. 2010-2015 - 5 terms - Society for Display and Applications convention, San Francisco Feb
by David Starkman

2011 Eric Kurland LA3D Pres. 2010-2015 - 5 terms - Ray Zone, Joy Parke and David Starkman at International
3D Society Awards Ceremony by Susan Pinsky

2011_12_18 SCSC_Holiday_party_Shyam Kannapurakkaren at_Pitfire_Pizza by Susan Pinsky

2007 Dr. John Hart LA3D Pres. 2016-2019 - 3 terms -holding Robot Monster Movie division Award by Susan Pinsky

2007 Dr. John Hart from CO having dinner at Dr. John Hart LA3D Pres. 2016-2019 - 3 terms - from CA,
by David Starkman

2011 Dr. John Hart LA3D Pres. 2016-2019 - 3 terms - at the Downtown Independent Nov by Susan Pinsky

2019_07_13 LA3D Taix Banquet IOTY image of Anna and Steve Berezin by Andrew Parke 2020-2021 President

2019_07_13 LA3D Image of the Year Taix Banquet Andrew Parke and his wife by a club member - 2021-2023 President
To see an automated anaglyph (red lens over the left eye) 3-D image Show of
3-D images by, and of, the Presidents
of the Stereo Club of So Calif.
from 1955 - 2008 click here:
(also may be seen polarized on LG 3D TV using the tv's YouTube app.)
You are invited to join the LA 3-D Club

Since 1955
If you live in the Los Angeles area, or if you simply want to keep up on activities in the global 3-D community, consider membership in the LA 3-D Club. Membership includes many 3-D benefits, among them monthly meetings (including five 3-D photo competitions per year), monthly 3-D film screenings, workshops on various 3-D techniques, 3-D photo exhibitions, our digital newsletter, the 3-D News, and unique and stimulating 3-D programs. But the most important benefit is in the membership itself. Members come from all types of fields and arenas of artistic and photographic creativity and range from enthusiasts to professionals. Conversations are diverse, interesting, and are a good source for learning more about what is going on in this field.
Club membership includes use of the club library which has 3-D movies, stereo slides and books on 3-D that can be checked out.
To inquire for full details about membership in the LA 3-D Club,
send an e-mail to

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