Purpose & goals of the lA3D club
Welcome to the archives of the Los Angeles 3D Photography Club!
The LA 3D Club began in 1955 as the Stereo Club of Southern California (SCSC). The founder was Dr Harold Lutes.
Stereo (3D) film cameras using 35mm slide film started to become popular in 1947, reaching a peak in sales in 1953 and 1954. By 1955 clubs devoted to 3D photography began sprouting up all over the country, and The Photographic Society of America (PSA) encouraged national competitions in the stereo slide category.
Around 2005 the club made the transition from slides on film to digital 3D images.
When a web site was created for the club (www.la3dclub.com) the club name was changed to the LA 3D Club to reflect it's change to a digital format and match its website address.
Meeting monthly, with banquets once or twice a year, the LA 3D Club has competitions five times per year, nearly every other month, where 3D slides are projected on a silver screen and viewed with polarized 3D glasses. This provides an opportunity for club members to share their images, and to see the work being done by others. The other meetings are devoted to slide shows created by members of the club, and also of other 3D clubs, workshops, and other special 3D programs. This tradition continues to this day, using digital 3D projection.
The LA 3D Club has a monthly news-letter called the "3-D News". As they are scanned this archive will make past issues available as PDF documents. Other historical documents relating to the club will also be presented in these archives.
3D images are at the heart of this club, and the archives contains 3D images from past 3D club competitions, outings, ban-quets, workshops, from slides donated by members, of members and taken by members.
The LA 3D Club Archives will constantly be a work in progress. As more items are found and digitized they will be added to this site. Browse and enjoy!
If you have any questions or comments, and, if you have anything that you think would be an appropriate addition to this site, please write to Susan Pinsky, Head Archivist, at archivesusie3d@gmail.com.
1988 Ray Zone (1986-1988) Marjorie Webster, Bill Shepard, Jason Caldwell, Oliver Dean, Gail Zone, David Starkman and
Jim Murray at July SCSC meeting by Susan Pinsky​

No Cell phones please at Phillipes by David Starkman
1981 Jerry Walter (1977-79) and Ruby Steins at Dec 1981 banquet
by Susan Pinsky

You are invited to join the LA 3-D Club

Since 1955
If you live in the Los Angeles area, or if you simply want to keep up on activities in the global 3-D community, consider membership in the LA 3-D Club. Membership includes many 3-D benefits, among them monthly meetings (including five 3-D photo competitions per year), monthly 3-D film screenings, workshops on various 3-D techniques, 3-D photo exhibitions, our digital newsletter, the 3-D News, and unique and stimulating 3-D programs. But the most important benefit is in the membership itself. Members come from all types of fields and arenas of artistic and photographic creativity and range from enthusiasts to professionals. Conversations are diverse, interesting, and are a good source for learning more about what is going on in this field.
Club membership includes use of the club library which has 3-D movies, stereo slides and books on 3-D that can be checked out.