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3D images of meetings

2003 Academy Quarterly Report 3D Covershot with Lawrence and Cassie Kaufman and Ray Zone in front row by David Starkman

2007_02_15 Hollywood Judging with Chris Olson, Ray Zone and Mike McKinney by Lawrence Kaufman_2

2017 LA3D filmfest at Downtown Independent Shyam Kannapurakkaran and Lawrence Kaufman by Cassie Kaufman_07

2017 LA3D filmfest at Downtown Independent Shannon Benna and
Jodi Kurland by Cassie Kaufman_02

2015 Eric and Jodi Kurland at LA3D video meeting at Downtown Independent Theatre by Cassie Kaufman_04

2015 LA3D club Video Award
by Cassie Kaufman_06
2007 SCSC Ray Zones feet by Susan Pinsky

1981 Stereo Club of So Calif. Stereo Assignment Group (SAG) at
Tim Cardinale's - Rich Bruland, Tim, Rick Finney, David Kuntz
and Tony Alderson by Susan Pinsky
1981 Marilyn Felling (Pres. 1982-83) & David Starkman (Pres. 1981-82) at Arrowhead June by Susan Pinsky (Pres. 1991-1993)
2011 Ray Zone moderator LA Film Festival May by Jim Staub
2005 Susan Pinsky and Ray Zone looking into a Franklin Londin viewer

Steve Berezin, David Starkman, James Comstock, Scott Ressler, Eric Kurland
and Jeff Amaral

1983 Dr John Hart at the twinned movie projector with
Oliver Dean pointing - in Duarte by Susan Pinsky

1982 3D Group of friends in our Duarte hallway
by David Starkman

2007 SCSC April Bored meeting at Casa 3D by Susan Pinsky

2012 Linda Nygren, Ray Zone &
Sean Isroelit at NSA convention in
Costa Mesa, CA July by Jim Staub

1978 Susan Pinsky shooting a macro of a bird over Stergis M. Stergis's body by Marilyn Felling
2006 3D Gala Egyptian Theater Tom Koester, Stephen Gibson and Bob Swarthe by Susan Pinsky

2006 3D Gala Egyptian Theater Lawrence and Cassie Kaufman
by Susan Pinsky

1979 Stereo Club of So CA coffee and calories after meeting - L to R: Jerry Walter, Rich Bruland, Dori Atlantis, H. Lee Pratt, David Kuntz, Rick Finney, Earl Colgan, Charlie Piper and Marshall Stewart by David Starkman

1983 Charlie Piper, SCSC Pres from 1975-77, Leroy Barco and David Starkman, SCSC Pres 1981-82 in March
at Bill Shepard's by Susan Pinsky

1952 David Starkman on Spalding
with stereo cards by Gloria Fainblit Starkman

1988 Susan Pinsky wearing the vest of SCSC medals by David Starkman

1979 Susan Pinsky and James Lott, noted for his underwater stereo photography at Lake Arrowhead for the SCSC Sequence judging
by David Starkman

1987 David Burder first meeting with Ray Zone by Susan Pinsky

1983 Rick Finney Nimslo print (well, the original was) at PSA San Francisco, CA by Susan Pinsky

1949 Patent by first SCSC President Harold R. Lutes, the man who started the club and designed many 3-D items

2007_02_15 Hollywood Judging with Ray Zone, Chris Olson, Mike McKinney, Scott Ressler, Lawrence and Cassie Kaufman
1998 Charlie Piper and Alan Williams next to him, at Stereo Club Viewer Night Oct by Susan Pinsky

1980 George Kirkman with old 3-D cameras at Stereo Faire
at Oct SCSC by Susan Pinsky

1986 David Starkman and David Hutchison at Disneyland
by Susan Pinsky

1972 Elmer Weidknecht 1967-68 and Maude Osborn
by Charlie Piper

1983 Susan Pinsky, Jason Cardwell & Bill Shepard
by Wayne Davis

1977 The Man who reads Starlog (David Hutchison)
by Scott Santoro

1981 David Starkman and Charlie Piper holding the new Nimslo camera Salt Lake City, Utah Photographic Society of America convention by Susan Pinsky

2007 Cassie Kaufman and Jim Long at LA3D May meeting
by David Starkman

1983 Bob Burns and David Hutchison holding a gremlin on the Time Machine May Bonaventure SciFi-Con by David Starkman

2012 Ray Zone phantogram at the National Stereoscopic Assn convention in Costa Mesa by Barry Rothstein

2002 Oliver Dean as competition director at the LA3D club
by Susan Pinsky

1980 SCSC Photo Center Oliver Dean displaying vectographs and lenticular 3D images at Stereo Fair in Oct by Susan Pinsky

1981 Max Bruensteiner, owner of Alhambra Camera, with his birthday cake at SCSC meeting by Susan Pinsky

1988 Ray Zone and Tony Alderson at Oct SCSC meeting
by Bob Kneisel

2014 Nine LA3D Club Presidents with text at Oct meeting at Armory in Pasadena by Valerie Lettera-Spletzer

2006 SCSC Oct Auction meeting at Wilshire Blvd Methodist Church with Ron Wise and Jack Laxer by Susan Pinsky

2007 SCSC meeting at Wilshire Blvd Methodist Church with
David Kuntz and Kathy Day by Susan Pinsky

1980 Harold R. Lutes, 1st President of SCSC, by Susan Pinsky

1978 Jerry Walter at Russ Terrill's home after 3-D slide judging taken with View-Master Personal camera by David Starkman

2011 International 3D Society Awards event in Hollywood
Valerie Lettera-Spletzer by David Starkman
1980_03_20 Susan Pinsky (1991-93) & Stergis M. Stergis (1968-69)
by unknown

1972 Oliver Dean, Joe Abramson and Elmer Weidknecht (1967-68) by Charlie Piper

1979 Jerry Walter PSA Hartford CT convention by Susan Pinsky

1980 Tony Alderson at the Photo Center by David Starkman

1979 Susan Pinsky and David Starkman in Duarte CA
with 3-D projectors and 3-D cameras

1982 Ray Zone and John Rupkalvis in Susan Pinsky's office at
3-D Cosmic Publications, No Hollywood, by Susan Pinsky

1983 Lee Pratt and Howard Frazee at PSA in San Francisco CA
by Susan Pinsky

2011 NSA Loveland Eric Kurland CO by Cassie Kaufman_21

2012 LA3D club John Hart posing for Barry Rothstein
by Cassie Kaufman_09

2011 NSA Loveland CO Ray Zone receiving Award from NSA from Lawrence Kaufman by Cassie Kaufman_11

2010 Cassie and Lawrence Kaufman at Vons Grand Opening
by anon
You are invited to join the LA 3-D Club

Since 1955
If you live in the Los Angeles area, or if you simply want to keep up on activities in the global 3-D community, consider membership in the LA 3-D Club. Membership includes many 3-D benefits, among them monthly meetings (including five 3-D photo competitions per year), monthly 3-D film screenings, workshops on various 3-D techniques, 3-D photo exhibitions, our digital newsletter, the 3-D News, and unique and stimulating 3-D programs. But the most important benefit is in the membership itself. Members come from all types of fields and arenas of artistic and photographic creativity and range from enthusiasts to professionals. Conversations are diverse, interesting, and are a good source for learning more about what is going on in this field.
Club membership includes use of the club library which has 3-D movies, stereo slides and books on 3-D that can be checked out.
To inquire for full details about membership in the LA 3-D Club,
send an e-mail to
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