to see
video of Sheldon

2006 Sheldon Aronowitz at Ellis Island Oct by David Starkman

2004 National Stereoscopic Assn Portland OR Cassie Kaufman, Sheldon Aronowitz, Susan Pinsky, Jean Poulet, Gary Schacker and David Starkman by Jim Long

2006 National Stereoscopic Assn Miami Gary Schacker and Sheldon Aronowitz by Susan Pinsky

2006 Cassie Kaufman, Sheldon Aronowitz, Lawrence Kaufman, Harry zur Kleinsmiede and Gary Schacker in the Everglades

2006 Sheldon Aronowitz in the Everglades about to eat crickets
by Gary Schacker

2006 National Stereoscopic Assn Miami Sheldon Aronowitz
by Gary Schacker

2006 National Stereoscopic Assn Miami FL Cassie Kaufman, Jan Burandt, Gary Schacker, Sheldon Aronowitz and Susan Pinsky
by David Starkman

2006 Ellis Island with Sheldon Aronowitz and rotting piano
by Susan Pinsky

2007 NSA Boise ID Sheldon Aronowitz and Gary Schacker
by Jim McManus

2006 National Stereoscopic Assn Miami FL Sheldon Aronowitz with Harry zur Kleinsmeide by Susan Pinsky

2007 NSA Boise ID Gary Schacker, Sheldon Aronowitz and
Mary Ann Sell by Wolfgang Sell

2007 NSA Boise ID Mary Ann Sell and Sheldon Aronowitz
by Wolfgang Sell

2006 in Central Park Sheldon Aronowitz and Susan Pinsky Nov cropped by David Starkman

2013 NSA Grand Traverse MI Bob Schreiber with Ewe,
Sheldon Aronowitz and Lawrence Kaufman by Wolfgang Sell

Sheldon Aronowitz doing time on Ellis Island
by Lawrence Kaufman

2006 NY Zabar's store with Sheldon Aronowitz by Susan Pinsky

2000 David Starkman, Sheldon Aronowitz and Susan Pinsky Brooklyn Bridge Nov by David Burder

2010 NSA Loveland CO Elena Vidal, Brian May and Sheldon Aronowitz by Ron Labbe

Michael Aronowitz with View-Master sign by Sheldon Aronowitz

2013 Sheldon Aronowitz's apt in Teaneck NJ by Ron Labbe_02

1989 NSA room hopping Portland, OR - John Dennis, Sheldon Aronowitz, Walter Sigg, Starkman and Andrew Miller by S. Pinsky

2012 NSA Costa Mesa CA Sheldon Aronowitz in Stereodeon
by Andrew Hurst

1990 Jack Naylor explaining his collection in Boston MA July to Sheldon Aronowitz by David Starkman

Sheldon Aronowitz at Gerald Marks home by John Zelenka

2010 NSA Huron OH Jay Horowitz, George Themelis, Sheldon Aronowitz, Cassie and Lawrence Kaufman and Rich Dubnow
by Wolfgang Sell

2009 NSA Mesa AZ Marilyn Freund, Bob Bloomberg, Susan Pinsky, Gary Schacker, Andrew, Dalia and son Millers, Sheldon Aronowitz, David Burder, Phyllis Maslin, Pad McLaughlin and
Dwight Cummings by David Starkman

1994 NSA Milwaukee WI Sheldon Aronowitz, Walter Sigg and Wolfgang Sell at House on the Rock by Mary Ann Sell

2002 Jan Burandt with Sheldon Aronowitz and Susan Pinsky at Jon Golden's house by David Starkman

2006 Central Park Merry-go-round Sheldon Aronowitz and
Susan Pinsky Nov by David Starkman

1993 National Stereoscopic Assn San Diego CA July
Sheldon Aronowitz by Susan Pinsky

1989 National Stereoscopic Assn Portland OR July Charley van Pelt, Walter Sigg, Sheldon Aronowitz and many others
by Susan Pinsky

2006 Ellis Island David Starkman and Sheldon Aronowitz in stairwell 10 Oct by Susan Pinsky

2010 National Stereoscopic Assn Greg Dinkins, Sheldon Aronowitz, David Burder and David Starkman July OH by Susan Pinsky

2017 National Stereoscopic Assn Irvine CA Aug Sheldon Aronowitz by David Starkman

2006 Ellis Island, NY with Sheldon Aronowitz by Susan Pinsky

1984 National Stereoscopic Assn Manchester NH
Sheldon Aronowitz at a trade table by Susan Pinsky

2013 Sheldon Aronowitz's apt in Teaneck NJ by Ron Labbe_03

2019 NSA Akron OH Eric Drysdale slide show with
Sheldon Aronowitz, Peter Sinclair, Cassie
and Lawrence Kaufman by Andrew Hurst

2011 National Stereoscopic Assn Loveland CO Peter Sinclair,
Jan Burandt and Sheldon Aronowitz by David Starkman

2012 NSA Costa Mesa CA Stereodeon Entrance Sheldon Aronowitz inside by Andrew Hurst

2006 Ellis Island, NY Sheldon Aronowitz and David Starkman
by Susan Pinsky

2008 National Stereoscopic Assn Grand Rapids MI July Sheldon Aronowitz, Jan Burandt and Gary Schacker by David Starkman

2006 Ellis Island and Sheldon Aronowitz shooting by Susan Pinsky

1999 Nov Susan Pinsky, Sheldon Aronowitz and David Starkman at Coney Island in NY by David Burder

2018 NSA Cleveland OH Steve Berezin, Andrew Hurst, Barry Rothstein and Sheldon Aronowitz by Jim McManus

2006 Central Park Sheldon Aronowitz and Susan Pinsky Nov
New York by David Starkman

2006 Sheldon Aronowitz on Central Park Merry-go-Round in New York Nov by Susan Pinsky

2007 Sheldon Aronowitz making announcement at NY Stereo Club at Kettles location Nov by Susan Pinsky

2006 Ellis Island doorway framing Sheldon Aronowitz by S. Pinsky

2000 Sheldon Aronowitz on Brooklyn Bridge Nov by Susan Pinsky

2011 National Stereoscopic Assn Loveland CO Sheldon Aronowitz at the Stanley Hotel by Wolfgang Sell

2013 Sheldon Aronowitz's apt in Teaneck NJ by Ron Labbe_04

2006 Sheldon Aronowitz and David Starkman in Central Park in New York Nov by Susan Pinsky

2006 Ellis Island deterioration with Sheldon Aronowitz by S Pinsky

2007 New York 3D Club Sheldon Aronowitz and Lily Dinkins announcing winners Nov by Susan Pinsky

2006 NSA Miami FL Sheldon Aronowitz at sales table by S Pinsky

2018 Cleveland OH Sheldon Aronowitz's Party Room by Jim McManus

2010 NSA Huron OH Sheldon Aronowitz and Mary Ann Sell July
by Susan Pinsky

2013 Sheldon Aronowitz in his apt in Teaneck NJ by Ron Labbe_06

2006 Susan Pinsky and Sheldon Aronowitz on Central Park
Merry-go-Round Nov by David Starkman

2007 NY David Starkman and Sheldon Aronowitz
at Gray's Papaya Nov by Susan Pinsky

2017 NSA Irvine CA Sheldon Aronowitz and Susan Pinsky
by Kevin Steinman

2004 National Stereoscopic Assn Portland OR Gary Schacker
and Sheldon Aronowitz

2007 Sheldon Aronowitz, Mary Ann and Wolfgang Sell and
Gary Schacker by Ron Labbe

2002 Jan Burandt's birthday Harlow wanabes at Jon Golden's place
2004 The Record, NJ newspaper article:
This collection comes from another dimension - Teaneck man has 3-D treasure trove
Navigating Sheldon Aronowitz's two-bedroom apartment in Teaneck is similar to the scientists exploring the Amazon in the 3-D classic "Creature from the Black Lagoon." Danger can be found anywhere, from the pop-culture memorabilia piled precariously high against the walls, to the narrow aisles made from cardboard boxes heaped upon one another. And while a green, amphibious monster is not going to jump out at you, there will be plenty of pictures and posters honoring the beast in those boxes you'll be tripping over. Here on Lozier Place exists arguably the largest collection of 3-D images and souvenirs in the world.
Aronowitz has amassed 200,000 lenti-culars (those multi-layered plastic images that seem animated), 50,000 View-Master reels, 1,000 View-Master viewers, 3,000 pop-up books, and 300 3-D cameras over the last 30 years.
The collection is spread out in the 55-year-old social worker's apartment, four near-by garages, and his ex-wife's attic.
Yes, his obsession with 3-D helped end his 15-year marriage but did not sour the relationship. Aronowitz photographed his ex-wife's second wedding two years ago and gave her 12 View-Master reels of the ceremony and reception as a present.
"They both loved it," he said matter-of-factly on a recent afternoon. "We're still good friends. And she keeps a lot of my collection."
Aronowitzs uber-hobby is fairly unique, especially since the public's fascination with 3-D hit its peak a half-century ago.
But there are still loyal devotees. The National Stereoscopic Association (www.stereoview.org) boasts 3,000 members and has held an annual convention for more than two decades. IMAX films have helped revive interest in 3D in the last decade by showing movies on screens up to eight stories high. Among it all is Aronowitz, who is considered a bit of a celebrity in the 3D circuit.
"He knows what everybody has and what everybody has done," said Greg Dinkins, director of the New York Stereoscopic Society. "There are just a handful of people who know what he knows."
Aronowitz arrived on the scene about 15 years late. Three-D became very popular in the 1950s when Hollywood embraced the technology. Dozens of 3-D films were produced, including Hitchcock's revered "Dial M for Murder."
But most were poorly made science fiction thrillers that didn't last long in theaters. Movie studios capitalized on the fad by churning out films as quickly as possible despite holes in the script and consistent B-level talent.
When Aronowitz graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1971, he knew little about 3-D other than the flicks he had seen as a kid.
Aronowitz had trouble finding a job in social work and instead took portraits of newborns for an East Orange photo studio. While rummaging through one of the studio's closets one day, he found 25 3-D cameras.
"They said they were a fad in the Fifties and were just collecting dust," Aronowitz said. He kept a couple of cameras and started shooting pictures of his family. Soon he was out at flea markets and antique shows every weekend scooping up anything and everything to do with 3-D.
His collection includes two-dimensional posters celebrating 3-D movies such as "House of Wax." A centerpiece in his living room is a century-old Taxiphote -- a device similar to a nickelodeon that views still 3-D pictures. He even has a toy-store rack of unopened View-Masters and reels of everything from Tweety Bird to Indiana Jones, Graceland, the Eiffel Tower, the space shuttle, and Tarzan.
Some reels that may be considered yawn-inducing such as "Girl Scouts Serve Their Country" or "JFK Visits Ireland" arc worth hundreds of dollars. His most prized possession is an "All in the Family" television show reel, of which only one other is known to exist in the world. It's worth $1,000, Aronowitz said.
As he did throughout his 25 years as a caseworker and supervisor with the state Division of Youth and Family Services, Aronowitz still attempts to break the ice with troubled children by letting them borrow a View-Master at the Newark group home where he works. "It's a way to reach them," he said. "It seems to work more often than not".
Aronowitz also has made a side business with his 3 D photos.
He takes most of his pictures with two 35mm cameras he rigged together to shoot at the same time. He sends his film to View-Master, which mass produces his photos on reels such as his work at Times Square on New Years Eve 1999.
There's a lot of talk about the collector's versus the photographers," Dinkins said. "Sheldon is the greatest example of both. That's the influence of seeing a lot of good stuff and a lot of bad stuff."
In 2003, Aronowitz and a friend, Gary Schacker, were able to take 3D photos of the 29 abandoned buildings on Ellis Island. It took 10 days to shoot the former hospitals and Isolation wards that are barred from the public because of their decay.
The program won a first-place award at the National Stereoscopic Association in July.
"They took copious amounts of images and they're all gorgeous," said Diane Rulien, director of the 3-D Center of Art and Photography in Portland, Ore., which will showcase the Ellis Island photos in early 2005. "It has universal appeal. The show is very poignant because it switches from the old images to the ramshackle ones of today."
Remarkably, Aronowitz has not cataloged his collection. He claims he knows nearly every piece he has. "It may take me awhile to find it because I have to go through boxes, but I know I have it," he said. "Is there a chance a guy in Arkansas in a hut has more? Possibly. But of all the known collectors, I know I have the largest collection."
Aronowitz was hit with bad news recently when he learned of the impending closure of the Fair Lawn Kodak plant. He had been getting his View-Master film developed there for years.
"I'm not sure what I'm going to do," he said. "There's no way I'm sending my film in the mail. I have to deliver it myself. It's too valuable."
3-D GLOSSARY: The most basic 3-D image works when two images are taken from two slightly different angles. The right eye sees the right image. The left eye sees the left image. The brain interprets the image from both eyes as depth.
Below are some common 3-D terms: Anaglyph glasses: The traditional cardboard red-and-blue lenses used to view black-and-white 3-D movies, comics, and images. The two images are printed on top of each other, but offset. To the naked eye, the image looks blurry, but when the glasses are worn the images are clear and have depth.
Hologram: A 3-D photographic image made with a reflected laser beam on film. It has a variety of uses including security measures on credit cards.
Lenticular A multi-layered image merged into one layer with a special lens over the image. When moved in a particular direction, the image appears animated and three-dimensional. ' Used on every-thing from postcards to comic book covers to religious icons.
Polarized glasses: Used primarily at IMAX films and 3-D laser shows, these silver lenses are cut at a 45-degree angle to show depth in two-dimensional images.
Stereoscopic: Any 3-D format.
Stereo Realist A very popular 3-D camera introduced in the late 1940s.
Sources: The Optometrists Network, Webster's New Riverside Dictionary, and Sheldon Aronowitz by Scott Fallon

Gary Schacker and Sheldon Aronowitz
My best friend Sheldon Aronowitz passed away this weekend in NYC. We first became friendly 25 years ago at the 1995 National Stereoscopic Association convention in Atlanta. The world of 3D was his passion and he devoted his adult life to it. He amassed one of the greatest collections of stereo (3D) artifacts in the world. Though we lived on opposite coasts of the US, it was the rare day that we didn't speak by telephone one or more times. We got together whenever possible. There was never a sweeter, friendlier man than Sheldon. He was liked by everyone. Here are a few photos of Sheldon and me together, with a few of his other friends and on our travels each year after the photo convention. The first couple were taken on Ellis Island where we spent a week documenting the abandoned parts of the landmark in 3D. I will miss him terribly. - - - Gary Schacker, August 2020

Susan Pinsky and David Starkman
The best thing about knowing Sheldon Aronowitz was everything. He was the kind of person you wished you were related to. He was kind and caring, sweet and generous, smart and knowledgeable, but humble and loving. His compassion was endless, his heart was big enough for everyone. If you knew him you loved him.
Sheldon was a big, wonderful childlike adult. He had the charming qualities of a joyful, enthusiastic, appreciative, fun-loving kid, but with the serious character-istics of an educated, articulate, sensitive person. He was a social worker by trade, and he seemed to always have a cloak of warmth and sensibility about him. He loved collecting, and was extremely know-ledgeable in the area of View-Master his-tory. Generosity was one of his strongest traits, and sharing was his goal in everything.
David and I first met Sheldon at the National Stereoscopic Association convention in 1982 in San Jose, CA. It took a few years of meeting up at the annual conventions until it clicked that we all enjoyed the same area of collecting. View-Master had been our beginning, too, and we loved the fascinating history that went with it. At NSA conventions there were always days before the convention began when people went from hotel room to hotel room buying and selling their goodies. We'd run into each other and share our found treasures. Sheldon had a giggle that could tickle your fancy, so when he found something good, or someone else did, his giggle would warm your heart.
We visited New York a few times over the years, and one of the great highlights of our lives was the day in Nov. 2006 when he took us out to Ellis Island. He had become the Official 3-D Photographer for the National Park Service, allowing him to visit any of the closed off areas of Ellis Island anytime he wanted. We know he took a number of his friends there, and everyone, including Sheldon, had to wear a hard hat because of the possible dangers. The place hadn't been touched in over half a century; the paint on the walls was peel-ing, the pigeons had made homes and left guano everywhere, and the place was a shell of it's former self. But it was histor-ical and fascinating.
In 2004 Sheldon arranged with the National Park Service for his friend, and professional photographer, Gary Schacker and himself, to spend nearly a week at the parts of Ellis Island that had been closed to the public for the last 50 or so years. They took hundreds of 3-D pictures each day, and later created a show.
This 3-D photo show reveals a hidden side of immigrants' Ellis Island; JOE FITZ-GIBBON wrote; "Millions of immigrants poured into Ellis Island in the first half of the 20th century. They wore weary faces and lugged heavy suitcases but were hopeful with the promise of a new life." Some of Ellis Island has been closed to the public for 50 years, but now it's possible to step back in history in this exciting 3D show. The award winning, 30-minute program, developed by San Diego photographer Gary Schacker and New Jersey collector and photographer Sheldon Aronowitz, combines vintage images of Ellis Island with contemporary photo-graphs of many of the historic buildings. "It all had that look of being abandoned quickly," Schacker says of Ellis Island's buildings. He and Aronowitz spent five days outfitted with face masks and hard hats photographing the infirmaries, dormi-tories, administrative offices and examin-ing rooms on the island. "We didn't touch anything but simply tried to convey the mood and the deterioration we saw," Schacker says. The compelling images include long corridors leading into paint-chipped rooms with broken furniture, including one with a collapsed piano and another with stacks of bedding. In one building, light streams through splintered windows, showing off plants that have taken root in piles of debris. In another, unclaimed steamer trunks are stacked to the ceiling, while rusted file cabinets spill out onto floors. The 3-D photographs of weather-scarred operating rooms and moss-filled sinks are a reminder of the diseases many new arrivals brought and the births and deaths that happened there.
"The show won the equivalent of our Academy Awards" says Shab Levy, an avid photographer and member of the National Stereoscopic Association, which promotes 3-D photography. The association gave the program its 2004 top prize. "You can't help being moved emotionally by its harsh beauty."
In 1990, after renovation costs of more than $60 million, the Ellis Island Immi-gration Museum opened to the public. Each year, nearly 2 million visitors stroll through the main processing center. How-ever, no one is allowed in any of the neighboring 29 buildings. Schacker says he hopes that in a small way the show by he and Aronowitz will galvanize support for restoring those structures. "It's hard not to think of the anxiety the immigrants con-fined to these buildings must have felt," he says. "We jumped at the chance to look inside, and I'm sure that lots of other people would do the same."
After the show was completed Sheldon arranged to have a View-Master packet made with some of these moving images. It's still available on eBay for those who are interested.
We visited New York, and Sheldon a few times, along with seeing him yearly at the NSA conventions. We spoke often, and kept in touch nearly daily for his last three months, along with quite a few dear friends who wanted to be there for him during these rough days of chemo therapy and difficult times. We're all suffering the loss of a true friend, a decent human being who left goodness and grace in the hearts of those he touched. He is painfully, deeply, sorrowfully missed, but will be remem-bered forever.
- - Susan Pinsky and David Starkman, Aug 2020

2002 NSA Riverside CA Sheldon Aronowitz, Jan Burandt, George Philosophis, Cassie and Lawrence Kaufman, Gary Schacker, Ron Labbe and Mary Ann Sell by Wolfgang Sell
From: Ron Labbe
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020
Sheldon was a good friend for many years. Besides sharing a passion for 3D, he was the best tour guide of NYC you could ever want! He knew all the best (cheapest) places to eat :)
Rest in peace, my friend.
From: MKaplan22@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020
Sorry to hear this. It should be mentioned that Sheldon produced and photographed several View-Master reels. Those of us who have done that know success required patience, persistence, and love for the medium. I didn't know Sheldon well, but on the few occasions we met (at NSA conventions) he was always friendly and helpful.
Michael Kaplan
View Productions

2002 National Stereoscopic Assn Riverside CA Sheldon Aronowitz with ice cream by Wolfgang Sell
On Sat, 22 Aug 2020 "Walter Sigg" <ws3dentertainment@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello friends, I am very sorry to have to let everyone know that Sheldon Aronowitz has passed away this weekend.
According to the family, he died peacefully last night (Friday).Private services will be held tomorrow (Sunday).
I am very sad to lose a good friend. I have known Sheldon for over 40 years with many fond memories. He will truly be missed by myself and many others.
We will keep his family in our thoughts and prayers.
Sincerely, Walter Sigg

2013 Sheldon Aronowitz by Dulcinea Jo
From: Yiannis5571
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020
I'm very sad and shocked to hear this! .......very sad :(
First Mr Kleismiede, now Sheldon........ :(
When I first tried to do my own reels and started asking about the process etc, talked with George Themelis DrT3d and he introduced me to Sheldon for help and Sheldon talked with Debra Borer and arranged a very low price for me!
He was always helpful, our first vm insider when it was for production news
Rest in peace Sheldon :(
Yiannis Nanakis
From: Mary Ann Sell
I have not made any personal comments on the passing of my very good friend Sheldon. Needless to say I am heartbroken. Although I was aware of his illness since before Christmas it was hard to come to terms with it. My first conversation with Sheldon was more than 40 years ago and my last less than a month ago - a brave soul that faced his cancer head on and knew the probable outcome.
He and I were "brothers" in collecting. Every time one of us acquired a new item, or an interesting find, we called each other up to share. If one of us had 2 of something we would trade it to the other.
On the 2 occasions we went to NYC he was our tour guide. He knew the ins and outs of the city like the back of his hand.
Together we shared a dinner at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grille as guests of Fisher-Price. We got hot bagels and hot dogs from street vendors while sharing personal stories of great VM finds.
Not sure how I will handle the next NSA convention without him, but will think of him smiling and teasing me about "who found it first".
R.I.P. Sheldon - I know you are in company of other stereo greats.
Mary Ann Sell
Click above to meet Sheldon Aronowitz, View-Master Collector Extraordinaire, and eminently decent human being
Dec 19, 1948 - Aug 21, 2020 (71 years old)

2007 NSA Sheldon Aronowitz at the art show by Gary Schacker
2013 Sheldon Aronowitz in his apt by Ron Labbe

1996 NSA Rochester NY L to R- Sheldon Aronowitz, Carol Rothman, Gary Schacker and Tim Kirkwood

Sheldon Aronowitz on the phone resting on bed by Peter Sinclair

2004 Sheldon Aronowitz and Gary Schacker at Ellis Island shooting "Unseen Ellis Island" 3-D Show

2017 NSA Irvine CA Ron Labbe and Sheldon Aronowitz
by Susan Pinsky

1994 NSA Milwaukee WI Sheldon Aronowitz and Walter Sigg at
House on the Rock by Mary Ann Sell

2011 National Stereoscopic Assn Loveland CO Sheldon Aronowitz viewing auction items July by Susan Pinsky

2013 Sheldon Aronowitz's apt in Teaneck NJ by Ron Labbe_09

2006 Sheldon Aronowitz with his State Nat'l Park Official 3D Photo-grapher card by Susan Pinsky

Sheldon Aronowitz, Peter Sinclair and Gary Schacker in the wild

Sheldon Aronowitz at the Continental Divide by Gary Schacker

2015 National Stereoscopic Assn Snowbird Resort, Salt Lake UT Sheldon Aronowitz by Wolfgang Sell

2013 Sheldon Aronowitz's apt in Teaneck NJ by Ron Labbe_08

2020 Sheldon Aronowitz at NYSA holding space related 3D stuff
26 Feb by Gerald Marks

2020 Sheldon Aronowitz received this Award at the hospital just days before he passed away.
Sheldon Aronowitz and Jan Burandt by Peter Sinclair
Sheldon Aronowitz at his cattle ranch by Gary Schacker

Peter Sinclair, Ron Labbe and Sheldon Aronowitz by Gary Schacker
From: Eric Drysdale
Date: Thursday, 28 Aug 2020
One of the best guys passed away a week ago today.
I haven't known what to say about it other than he was a mentor and friend and I am so glad to have known Sheldon Aronowitz.
As the keeper of one of the most complete View-Master collections in the world, when he said your 3D work was good -- that really meant something. He was kind and generous and knowledge-able and patient and community-minded.
He'll be missed terribly here in New York and around the 3D world.
Thanks, Sheldon.
I only knew him from his posts on the old View-Master YahooGroup. From all the informed insiders in the VM/3D community —the Sells, Harry zur Kleinsmiede, etc— Sheldon’s knowledge and insight was what I trusted most. It was a privilege to have him around.
RIP Sheldon.
Love Sheldon. It’s not going to be quite the same without him.
2003 Jodi Kohlstrom, Gary Schacker, Jan Burandt and Sheldon Aronowitz by Peter Sinclair
2019 Sheldon Aronowitz by whom? (please let Susan Pinsky know)

2017 NSA Irvine, CA Mr. Sheldon Aronowitz and Ikuo Nakamura by Momoka Nishio of Japan

1996 NSA Rochester, NY Aug Sheldon Aronowitz, David Starkman, David Burder and Dalia Miller by Susan Pinsky

2005 Photo booth shot after seeing the 1st digital 3D film "Chicken Little" Nov, clockwise from bottom right SHELDON ARONOWITZ, Terry Wilson, Jan Burandt, Ron Labbe and Peter Sinclair
2007 NSA Boise ID Sheldon Aronowitz and Melody Steele by David Burder

2003 Sheldon Aronowitz, Hans Kohlstrom, Gary Schacker, Jan Burandt, George Philosophos and Jodi Kohlstrom in Charleston, SC by Peter Sinclair
2003 Jodi Kohlstrom, George Philosophis, Hans Kohlstrom and Sheldon Aronowitz in Charlston, SC
by Peter Sinclair

2003 Sheldon Aronowitz, Mike Henderson, Peter Sinclair and Krystal looking at anaglyphs

Sheldon Aronowitz sorting through boxes at National Stereoscopic Assn convention
by Peter Sinclair

2006 NSA Miami FL Harry zur Kleinsmiede, Sheldon Aronowitz and Gary Shacker by Susan Pinsky
2007 NSA Boise ID Harry Potter Cinema IR Cassie and Lawrence Kaufman, Gary Schacker and Sheldon Aronowitz by David Burder-Colorized