November 16, 2012
by Chris Chinnock

3-D Super Star -
Ray Zone
- dead at 65
May 16, 1947 - Nov 13, 2012
65 years old
3D Industry- One of the most well-known, well-liked and enthusiastic supporters of 3D, Ray Zone, passed away suddenly from a heart attack at age 65 on November 13.
Insight Media joins all of the 3D community in mourning the lost of this inspiring person. He will be mightily missed. A memorial gathering is being planned for early December, but details are not available yet.
To put it simply, Ray was a great guy. He had so much energy, so much passion and so much enthusiasm – not only for 3D, but for life itself. He was a teacher, a hero and friend to so many in the 3D community. His light burned brightly, but now it is dark. Our thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to all his friends, colleagues and family.

Eric Kurland, President of the Los Angeles 3-D Club (SCSC) and a close friend of Ray, said that, "Ray was the heart of the 3-D community, not just in Los Angeles, but all over the world. His work reached so many people and he personally touched so many lives. He had a generous, welcoming nature, always eager to share his knowledge, and was our greatest advocate for the art and technology of 3-D. He leaves a long legacy as an author, publisher, historian, educator, photographer, filmmaker and artist. Ray was a longtime member and past President of the LA 3-D Club, and was currently serving as the club's Vice President, and he was my mentor and dear friend."

1986 Ray Zone at Susan and David's house wearing his anaglyph 3-D t-shirt by Susan Pinsky

1986 Ray Zone at early SCSC meeting by David Starkman

2000 Ray Zone receiving the NSA Darrah Award July Mesa AZ with Susan Pinsky by David Starkman

Ray Zone 2 at International 3D Society Tech Awards
by David Starkman
Jim Chabin, CEO of the International 3D Society and 3D @ Home Consortium said, "Ray has been a friend, mentor, evangelist, stereographer, film maker, teacher and scholar for the 3D community for so long, its hard to imagine all of us moving ahead without him. Ray served as the Society's historian because we all knew Ray had all the answers. What a friend we have all lost".

Ray Zone's personal bulletin board filled with positive sayings, good fortune cookies inserts, and lovely memories of all kinds
Jason Goodman, CEO, 21st Century 3D said, "I remember being 10 years old and making my first trip to the local comic book shop where I got Battle for a 3 Dimensional World. I still have it, sealed in a plastic bag. This book was one of my earliest inspirations in 3D and Ray was one of the first people I met when I began my career in 3D. He was always positive, and always encouraging and always so great to talk to and laugh with. The death of Ray Zone marks the passing of a true 3D legend. I was shocked to hear the news and I am profoundly sad that we have lost him. I have lost a friend and a mentor. The world has lost a genuinely kind and truly unique individual. He will be sorely missed by many."

3D pioneer Lenny Lipton had this to say: "I now regret every opportunity that I missed to hang out with Ray. We were kindred spirits both maniacally in love with the stereoscopic medium. But Ray was like some indiscriminate lover, he loved ratty old 3-D cards, and broken down 3-D projection lenses, and the weird characters who thought they knew more about 3-D than anyone else. He loved terrible 3-D movies, movies that had no right to be loved, forlorn eye straining madness. Ray loved anaglyphs and lots of parallax. Ray suffered fools and even raving idiots and he was polite to them all, and on top of it he was a great scholar. He taught me a lot about the medium and like I say the only regret I have is that I didn't spend more time with him."

2008 Ray Zone with David Starkman and Lenny Lipton at 3-D film screening
by Susan Pinsky

2004 Ray Zone talking to George Vidacovich at Stereo club of So. Calif. banquet
by Susan Pinsky

University of Southern California Associate Research Professor, Perry Hoberman, said that, "Ray was the heart and soul of 3D, and he understood it better than anyone, on every level – from its reputation as a cheap gimmick to its potential for the most sublime art. He led the way for all of us, and mapped out the entire territory of the stereoscopic medium – its past, as a historian; its present, as an artist; and its future, as a visionary. Ray's legacy is not just his work, but the community that he fostered, and his huge impact on all stereoscopic media. He was a dear friend and a mentor, to me and so many others, and I already miss him in more ways than I can count."
Ray Zone by Lenny Lipton
His wikipedia page partly summarizes his accomplishments.
Ray Zone is an film historian, author, artist, and pioneer in methods of converting flat images (in particular, ) into . has called him the "King of 3-D Comics", and Artsy Planet has called him the "3D King of Hollywood".

2007 NSA Boise ID Susan Pinsky, Lawrence Kaufman,
Phil "Captain 3D" McNally and Ray Zone by David Starkman
Ray Zone moved to Los Angeles in the early 1980's and began working in the world of 3D converting flat art to 3D images. He has converted more than 150 "flat art" comic books to 3D for clients such as Disney, Warner Bros and the Simpsons. Ray Zone is now an author, 3D film producer, speaker and award-winning 3-D artist. An internationally recognized expert in all things 3-D, Zone has a special interest in stereoscopic cinema and Large Format 3-D (15/70) filmmaking. Since 1983, he has created stereo conversions and stereoscopic images for a wide variety of clients in publishing, education, advertising, television and motion pictures. In 2006 Zone was acknowledged by the Grammy Award as "3D Artist" on the platinum selling Tool 3D CD "10,000 Days" which garnered the Grammy in the category of "Best Recording Package." Ray Zone is the recipient of numerous awards for his 3D work, among them a 1987 "Inkpot Award" from San Diego Comic Con for "Outstanding Achievement in Comic Arts."

1987 Ray Zone at work creating 3D at home in his kitchen by Susan Pinsky

Ray Zone at Stereo Club of So Calif by Lawrence Kaufman

2008 Ray Zone with his "Stereoscopic Cinema and the Origins of 3-D Film 1838-1952
by David Kuntz
Professional history
Ray Zone began working in comic books in 1983 and his early collaborations with Jack C. Harris and Steve Ditko drew the attention of Archie Goodwin , who recruited him to work with John Byrne on the 1990 Batman 3-D, a full-length 3D . Since then, he has produced 3D adaptations of art for over 150 comic books, including stories by ______ and _____ , which were specifically written to accommodate stereoscopy. Zone is the author of "3D Filmmakers, Conversations with Creators of Stereoscopic Motion Pictures" (Scarecrow Press: 2005) and "Stereoscopic Cinema and the Origins of 3-D Film, 1838 – 1952 (University Press of Kentucky: 2007). In 2008 Zone worked as 3D Supervisor on the feature film "Dark Country 3D" (Sony Pictures) with director/star Thomas Jane and in 2010 as 3D Producer on "Brijes 3D," (Ithrax/SDA), the first animated 3D feature film made in Mexico.

1982 Ray Zone and John Rupkalvis at 3-D Cosmic Publication in Susan Pinsky's office
by Susan Pinsky

Four past Los Angeles 3D club presidents Sean Isroeit, Ray Zone, Jeff Amaral, and Lawrence Kaufman by Betsy Rothstein
Ray Zone (1947–2012) was an American film historian, author, artist, and pioneer in methods of converting flat images (in particular, comic books) into stereoscopic images.
Starlog has called him the "King of 3-D Comics", and Artsy Planet has called him the "3D King of Hollywood".

1987 Ray Zone with his family by Susan Pinsky
– Chris Chinnock
For Ray Zone's Curiculum Vitae see further down on this page.

2007 Tom Koester and Ray Zone at Stereo club of So Calif by Susan Pinsky

1985 Ray Zone at the top of a group of 3-D enthusiasts in Susan Pinsky
and David Starkman's Duarte house hallway by Tim Cardinale

2012 Phil Captain 3D McNally, Ray Zone and Shamm at pizza holiday party Nov by Jim Staub

2012 Frank Elmore, Ray Zone, Dave Washburn
and Shamm at projector group 3 May by Jim Staub

2003 Academy Quarterly Report cover showing 1000 people watching 3-D anaglyph slide show, photos by David Starkman, converted by Ray Zone (on right), sitting next to Cassie and Lawrence Kaufman in front row - photo by David Starkman

David Starkman & Susan Pinsky's thoughts on Ray Zone's Life

1984 Ray Zone, Susan Pinsky and Jason Cardwell at California Museum of Photography, Riverside CA by David Starkman
Losing Ray Zone feels something like losing a limb. He's been one of our dearest friends nearly half of our lives. We think about his growth in the world of 3-D, and how many lives he touched. His success was our success; his historic rise was a pleasure to watch. He left us just at his pinnacle. Now we're selfishly thinking of ourselves. It will be very, very sad and painful to go on with life without him. We had always promised to grow old together. He left us way too soon.
We first met Ray Zone in 1982. At that time we were both working for 3-D Video Corporation. This company, started by James Butterfield and Daniel Symmes, was in the business of converting 1950's 3-D films to an anaglyph format that was FCC compatible for over-the-air broadcast. David was marketing the anaglyph glasses required, while Susan was hired to edit and produce an anaglyph 3-D comic book that would present a history of 3-D imaging, as well as a promotion for the company. Her division was called "3-D Cosmic Publications".
While doing research for the comic book, a
3-D club member showed Susan the Summer 1981 issue of "Fanfare" magazine, issue #4. It contained a seven page article by Ray Zone entitled "Stereo Visions: 3-D and the Popular Arts". To quote Ray's description of the article "it was an attempt to create a single historic overview of all forms of 3-D imaging, including photography, comics, holography, the whole thing." After reading this article Susan decided that she wanted Ray to be the writer for the 3-D comic book, already titled "Battle for a Three-Dimensional World".

Through the magazine, Susan mailed a postcard to Ray requesting him to contact her by phone. Ray did call. He talked to Susan and they made an appointment to meet in person. He told us later that after that phone call he literally jumped up and down with joy. He had been working for Kaiser Steel in Fontana, CA for 14 years.
1982 Susan Pinsky Ray Zone and John Rupkalvis watching Battle 3D comic being printed by David Starkman

1982 First page of Battle for a Three Dimensional World comic, written by Ray Zone
He met with Susan, and she hired him to write the story. A few months later he says in an interview in AH in 3-D (Amazing Heroes #158), " . . . .I saw what was happening at 3D Video, that there was a lot of activity with 3-D TV programs being broadcast all over the country, then I went to the president of the company, James F. Butterfield, and told him I wanted to work there. He hired me to work in the 3-D Cosmic Publications division, which was the print media side of the company." Ray quit his job immediately. Obviously, even then, he was ready to make 3-D his career.

1982 Another page of Battle for a Three Dimensional World comic, written by Ray Zone

1983 Ray Zone, David Starkman visiting Arch Oboler by Susan Pinsky

1985 Susan Pinsky with cat and Ray Zone holding at Stereo 50 viewer at an art gallery
by David Starkman

1986 Gail and Ray Zone at the Photo Center at LA SCSC meeting by Susan Pinsky

He did write the story, and was thrilled when Susan hired comic book legend Jack Kirby to do the artwork. Susan had already lined up Tony Alderson, a member, and later a president, of the Stereo Club of Southern California (now the LA 3D Club), to convert the artwork to 3-D.
Not content to just write the story for the comic book, Ray later apprenticed under Tony Alderson to learn how to do 3-D conversion of comic book art, and quickly became a master in his own right.
After the bankruptcy of 3-D Video Corporation, about a year later, Ray went out on his own and did the 3-D art conversion for a whole new generation of 3-D comic books. He converted or produced over 130 3-D comic books -- more than the total number of titles that were published during the Golden Age in the 1950's. This is when he got dubbed "The King of the 3-D Comics". (And, as far as we are concerned, he will always be The King.).
In 1983 Ray created his own public access TV program called "The Zone Show". To quote him again from the AH in 3-D interview, he says "I found out in 1983 that it was possible for anyone to have their own TV show. When cable systems were granted a license to operate part of the provision was that they had to have an open channel for the public to access and use in a non-profit manner. So, I decided to do a half-hour show that would provide exposure to avant-garde artists that were working in popular culture or forms of art that incorporated popular culture. I did the first show in January, 1983 with Stanislav Szukalski."
Ray continued to pursue his interests in 3-D, popular culture, art, and a wide variety of numous other interests.
1988 Ray Zone and Tony Alderson Sept by Bob Kneisel

In January 1985 Susan got Ray to finally join the Stereo Club of Southern California. As with everything else he did, he quickly became an enthusiastic supporter of the club, and a very active member. Over the years he was the club newsletter editor, publicist, Vice-President, and President (1986-1988).
During those years between the 3-D movie boom of 1982-83, and the current resurgence of 3-D movies made possible by the digital revolution, we shared the distinction of being among a small number of people in the world making a full-time living from 3-D. So we always had a lot to talk about on this subject. As we were in the business of selling 3-D products, not converting artwork to 3-D, we found ourselves in the position of regularly referring inquiries to Ray. It was a great period for anaglyph and lenticular printing, and we referred ad agencies, companies and individuals wanting to do 3-D posters, flyers, 3-D Christmas cards, point of purchase displays -- virtually anything you could print in 3-D. We liked referring people to Ray because, when it came to a 3-D project, "No" was just not part of his vocabulary. Ray would always find a way to make the project work in 3-D.

1987 Ray Zone and Jim Murray at SCSC Meeting by Susan Pinsky
In documenting the history of 3-D motion pictures, from the inception of film making, up through the latest digital 3-D technology, Zone produced an extremely significant legacy. Not only did he work on over 130 3-D comic books, Ray accomplished serious academic 3-D history with these comprehensive two volumes "Stereoscopic Cinema and the Origins of 3-D film, 1838 - 1952" and, "3D Revolution: The History of Modern Stereoscopic Cinema" which, when reviewed by David S. Cohen he stated "Zone has been everywhere, knows everyone, and has seen everything. "3D Revolution" will be an indispensable reference for students, scholars, journalists, and anyone who wants to really understand not just what happened with 3-D, but how it happened."

1992 Charlie Piper and Ray Zone Xmas Holiday Banquet by David Kuntz
Ray did seem to know everybody involved in any aspect of 3-D . He was on the Board of Directors of the Stereo Club of Southern California, the Board of the 3D Center in Portland, Oregon, the National Stereoscopic Association, the International 3D Society and probably many more that we haven't had the time to research.
1986 Ray Zone Stereo Club of So Calif President 1986-88 at Ambassador Hotel
in Dec at Holiday banquet by Susan Pinsky
1985 David Starkman auctioneer with Ray Zone assisting by Susan Pinsky

Ron Labbe, Ray Zone and Robert Bloomberg by David Starkman

2003 Academy of Art of Sciences evening with 1000 people viewing anaglyph images from previous Facets of the Diamond evening series images Dec by David Starkman

2010 International 3D Society of Technology Awards evening 19 Feb with John Hart, Lawrence Kaufman and Ray Zone by David Starkman

2010 Susan Pinsky, Sasha Paperny, Arden Ash and Ray Zone Jan by David Starkman

2010 International 3D Society of Technology Awards evening 18 Feb by Susan Pinsky

He wrote four comprehensive books on the subject of 3-D. He wrote hundreds of articles on a myriad of different subjects. He was active in 3-D film making, such as 3-D Supervisor of "Dark Country" with Thomas Jane (2009), Executive Stereoscopic Producer "My Dream" (2010) with Joy Park, Korean Film Commission, 3D Producer on "Brijes 3D" (2010) an animated feature film for Santo Domingo Animation in Mexico, and a number of shorts, including his favorite, one that he wrote and directed "Slow Glass" (2006) for, and with, the Stereo Club of So California. He was a confirmed 3-D missionary, spreading the gospel of 3-D history, 3-D technical information and the relationships of vision, art, thought and awareness in lectures, panels, presentations and thousands of personal conversations. In 2008 he presented a paper entitled "3-D: The Future is Now" at the Sundance Film Festival.
At the end of the AH in 3-D article the interviewer, Valentino, asks Ray if he had any final comments. He said "That's about it. I'm just very happy to be here. To be doing what I'm doing is a dream come true for me. To work with people like yourself and those who I've had the privilege and pleasure to work with thus far."
Zone received many awards, certificates, a Grammy award, plaques and acknowledgments for his assorted achievements, but I know he was proudest to receive the William S. Darrah Award from the National Stereoscopic Association "For Distinguished Scholarship and Extraordinary Knowledge of Stereoscopy" in 2000.
His home was filled with awards, artwork, bookcases stuffed with books on every subject, DVD's, photos of his two sons, stereocards, comic book stands filled with comics and magazines he had worked on or produced.

2012 NSA Convention planning committee with Steve Berezin as chairman and his troup of willing helpers by Philip Steinman

2012 Ray Zone working in Korea 3 by Andrew Parke

Ray took his passion a long way from there. He was the historian for the American Society of Cinematographers, he was the 3-D historian for the International 3D Society. He left us an astonishing array of material on 3-D that even Charles Wheatstone, Arthur W. Judge, Seton Rochwite and all the great contributors to 3-D would have been impressed with.
Ray's contributions to the field of 3-D imaging encompasses more than any normal person could achieve in one lifetime.
Ray didn't waste a moment of his life. Sixty five years seems way too soon for Ray to leave us, but he has left us with a large and important body of work to remember him by. He lived to see his 3-D dreams come true, and it is much comfort to us to know that up until the last moment he was as happy as he could be about this wonderful expanding 3-D world that we are currently living in. His 3-D spirit will aways be with us.

2012 Ray Zone interviewing Brian May at the NSA Costa Mesa, CA by John Dennis

2012 Ray Zone working in Korea 2 by Andrew Parke
Charles Band also directed Metalstorm, another 1980s 3D film not on the NUART program. Both Parasite and Metalstorm were written by Alan Adler and, though they are low-budget stereo fare, they at least feature original stories. Parasite is a very gory film but it does an effective job with the stereoscopic visuals and it adequately conveys a sense of its futuristic world on a limited budget.
Rottweiler 3D was one of a number of Earl Owensby single-strip 3D films produced in the 1980s and it's a semi-interesting story of wild Army dogs on the loose with some effective stereographic visuals. Rottweiler 3D is on a double bill with A*P*E. If you're thinking of seeing them both, try to see Rottweiler 3D first. That way you've given yourself the option of being able to walk out of A*P*E if you feel like it. Are you thinking King Kong? Don't. A*P*E is so bad, so utterly without charm, it tarnishes the reputation of simians everywhere. It drags so much, you can actually feel yourself age while you're watching it.
Ray Zone's Curriculum Vitae

2007 Ray Zone in his apt by Susan Pinsky

Ray Zone (1986-1988), Marjorie Webster, Bill Shepard, Jason Caldwell, Oliver Dean, Gail Zone, David Starkman & Jim Murray at July 88 meeting by Susan Pinsky

1987 David Burder first meeting with Ray Zone by Susan Pinsky

The 1980s (single-strip) 3D films will be playing at the NUART Theatre at 11272 Santa Monica Blvd in West Los Angeles (ph: 310-478-6379). Here's the schedule:
Friday, August 9 - Friday the 13th, Part 3 3D
Saturday, August 10 - Jaws 3D
Sunday, August 11 - Frankenstein 3D and Parasite 3D
Monday & Tuesday, August 12 & 13 - The Stewardesses (No one under 18)
Plus Monday August 12 co-feature - The Capitol Hill Girls
Plus Tuesday August 13 co-feature - The Surfer Girls
Wednesday, August 14 - Ape 3D and Rottweiler 3D
Thursday, August 15 - Dynasty and Starchaser, the Legend of Orin
That leaves us with Dynasty, a martial arts "kickfest" which I haven't seen and can't comment on. I'm going to try to see it. And Starchaser, the Legend of Orin, which I recommend based on its historical significance alone. Starchaser is the first feature-length animated 3D film in history.
Visually, the stereography works quite well and there are actual objects and scenes in the film that were drawn twice, as in a stereo drawing, to convey real volumetric roundness. Starchaser is a Star Wars type tale of a young man, Orin, working in an underground mine who discovers a magic sword that tells of the world above ground. I just wish the color palette for Starchaser was brighter, more diversely chromatic. The unrelieved earth tones and generally muted scale of hues limits the stereoscopic impact. A real and pragmatic use of chromostereopsis could have opened Starchaser up visually to fully "exploit" its stereographic value.
Starchaser was released in 1985, late in the cycle of 1980s 3D films. It died silently and quickly in Los Angeles upon its original release. By the end of the second week there were screenings in one of only two first run houses with maybe 3 people in the audience. All of the earlier 1980s 3D films had effectively completed their handiwork of destroying the promotional value of 3D for motion pictures and the 1980s wave of 3D films was dead.
Today we have Large Format 3D films like Space Station 3D, Journey of Man and Across the Sea of Time resurrecting stereoscopic cinema. Thank God for these great stereographic motion pictures. They have incorporated stereoscopy as a natural part of the cinematic palette available to the filmmaker and dispensed with the spitshine hard sell of 3D as camp. Without them stereoscopic cinema would have had to continue to dwell in the ghetto of the exploitation picture, a dismal prospect for a great medium which yet remains in its infancy and is just beginning to find its feet.

2008 Ray Zone next to his official "Dark Country" chair in his apartment in Hollywood by Susan Pinsky

I have had numerous requests for commentary on the films running at the NUART theatre in Los Angeles from August 9 -15. These are all single-strip 3D movies in the Stereovision over/under process that was commonly used in the 1980s. Three of the films, Capitol Hill Girls, The Stewardesses and The Surfer Girls were all produced by Chris Condon, the optical engineer responsible for the Stereovision process. These films would have to be characterized as "soft porn." Now that the films are twenty years old they have begun to acquire some cultural value as "camp" or kitsch.
Stereo buffs who haven't seen any of these films will want to view them for their stereographic value alone. And they should be seen by anyone with even the slightest interest in stereoscopic cinema. But it is a somewhat bitter pill to swallow. Time may bestow added interest to these cinematic stereo chestnuts but that still will not obscure the fact that they essentially were, and still remain, bad films. Not so terrible that they acquire the status of a "Golden Turkey" like Robot Monster or Cat Women of the Moon, two 3D films of 1953 that were "so bad, they're good." No. The 1980s 3D films were just plain bad from a standpoint of story, characterization and (as the French like to say) "mise-en-scene," the narrative composition within the film frame.
2006 Chris Condon and Ray Zone at 3D Filmfest evening of The Stewardesses
by David Starkman

2006 Dan Symmes and Ray Zone at 3D Filmfest evening of The Stewardesses
by David Starkman

2012 Ray Zone at the 3D Expo at the Egyptian Theater in L.A. by Lawrence Kaufman

2012 Ray Zone at the LA 3D club with his own 3-D paintings by Cassie Kaufman

2008 David Starkman, Julie Lipton with Hillary the cute dog, and Ray Zone at RealD Beverly Hills offices 3-D screening by Susan Pinsky
Most of the films were horror films, worse, sequels of horror films, and were plainly derivative of originals whose cinematic artistry, in 2D, was far superior to these later stereographic efforts. Films such as Friday the 13th, Part 3 3D, Jaws 3D, A*P*E and Frankenstein 3D are truly "exploitation" films in two senses of the word. First, they are exploiting the original films that preceded them, and, secondly, they are exploiting 3D for its "gimmick" value as a device to shock the audience. Many people, adherents of escalating cinematic gore, the Sleazoid fraternity, relish onscreen dismemberment and for them 3D provides a laughable "frisson," or thrill that heightens the appalling, if caricatural, use of violence. Others will question the use of stereographic representation in tandem with such subject matter. And, I think, it is legitimate to question the long-term benefit to stereoscopic cinema itself such films provide.
To the dismay of many proponents of stereoscopic film, this trend to violent sequels continued in the 1980s with Amityville 3D and worse, Silent Madness, a film so abhorrent, fuzzy and poorly produced that it is a real embarrassment to stereography. Neither of these stereographic efforts, however, are on the bill at the NUART Theatre. The two horror films of greatest interest on the NUART bill are possibly Parasite, produced by Albert Band, directed by Charles Band, and the Earl Owensby film Rottweiler 3D.

Ray Zone and Kathleen Fairweather at the Linwood Dunn Theater in L.A. to see
The Yearling by Cassie Kaufman

1982 3D Video Corp Beam Splitter Rig by David Starkman

2008 Eric Kurland & Ray Zone in the projection booth at the
Downtown Independant theater by Marius Henry Hoyo


2006 Ray Zone at the opening premier of 3D Expo at this Egyptian Theater in L.A. with Jan Burandt and Susan Pinsky by David Starkman
2007 Ray Zone, Phil Captain 3D McNally, man, Deepa Agarwal, and fellow from anaglyph 3-D film "Fly me to the Moon" by David Starkman
2010 Ray Zone Susan Pinsky 16 Oct at Casa 3D by David Starkman
2003 NSA Charleston VA Ray Zone SSA table by John Dennis

3-D Revolution: The History of Modern Stereoscopic Cinema
University Press of Kentucky: 2012
3-DIY: Stereoscopic Moviemaking on an Indie Budget
Focal Press: 2012
3D Cinema and Television Technology: The First 100 Years (chapter introductions)
SMPTE: 2011
Stereoscopic Cinema and the Origins of 3-D Film: 1838 - 1952
University Press of Kentucky: 2007
3-D Filmmakers: Conversations with Creators of Stereoscopic Motion Pictures
Scarecrow Press: 2005
Living Pictures: The Invention of Cinema (with artist Chuck Roblin)
3-D Zone: 2003
New Wave King: The Cinematography of Laszlo Kovacs (editor)
ASC Press: 2001
Writer of Light: The Cinematography of Vittorio Storaro (editor)
ASC Press: 2000
The Deep Image: 3-D in Art and Science
3-D Zone: 1991

2010 Ray Zone and Andrew Parke in Seoul at 3D Korean Int. Film Fest

2012 Ray Zone in a coffin for a movie playing a corpse by Cassie Kaufman

San Jose SDA Ray Zone x-ray Abe Perlstein

Chef Johnny Zone Presents: Flash-Fried Brussels Sprouts
YouTube 3D video (3-DIY Channel)
Night of the Living Dead 3D 2: Reanimated
3-D Feature Film (Lux Digital Pictures)
My Dream
Executive Stereoscopic Producer
Live action 3-D Film (Hwy3D/Korean Film Commission)
Brijes 3-D
3-D Producer
Animated 3-D Feature Film (Santo Domingo Animation)
Whatever Happened to Ro-Man?
Dual HD 3-D Movie (Stereo Club of Southern California)
June 2009
The Dark Country
3-D Supervisor
3-D Feature Film (Sony Pictures/Stage Six)
Slow Glass
Dual HD 3-D Movie (Stereo Club of Southern California)
June 2006
Cobalt Entertainment
Stereoscopic conversion for three shots
Promotional 3D Film – Georgia Pacific
November 2005
Large Format Cinema Association Film Festival
Producer/Distributor of "A Better Mousetrap,"
15/70mm stereoscopic film (IMAX 3-D) by Ron Labbe
April 28, 2004 / July 13, 2005
ION Interactive Media
Producer of stereoscopic CD-Rom
"The 3-D World of Ray Zone"
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT)
Producer for 3-minute dual band 3-D video program on the
"picturephone" for showing in 3-D TV theatres in Japan
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
"The Family Guy – Blue Harvest"
Stereoscopic Conversions
January 2008
New Line Home Entertainment
"The Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection"
Anaglyph Conversions
November 2005
Paramount Pictures/Sparkhill Entertainment
"Hondo" (Special Collector's Edition)
Interview Subject/Content provider
October 2005
Stereo Club of Southern California
"A 3-D Movie & Video 20 Year Retrospective, 1982-2002"
Producer/Content provider
July 2003
American Society of Cinematographers
"Treasures from the ASC"
Content provider / Living Pictures
August 2002
Selected 3-D Slide Programs, Courses and Lectures
3DIY: Toolsets for Independent 3D Filmmaking
SMPTE Technology Summit (NAB)
Panel Moderator
April 15, 2012
Thinking in Z-Space: Flatness and Spatial Narrativity
Visiting Artist 3-D Program (Emily Carr University)
Powerpoint Lecture
February 2, 2011
The Future of the 3D Movie Business
3D Fusion Industry Global Conference 2010 (Korean Electronics Association)
Powerpoint Lecture
October 13, 2010
Writing the 3D Story: Technology, Narrative, Aesthetics
3D University (International 3D Society)
Powerpoint Lecture
October 9, 2010
3D TV: Ready or Not
(Cable Television Association for Marketing)
Powerpoint 3-D Lecture
October 27, 2009
History of 3-D: 2008-09 Visiting Artist Lecture Series
(Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture)
Powerpoint 3-D Lecture
April 14, 2009
From There to Here: A Stereographic History
(Siggraph Computer Animation Festival)
Powerpoint Lecture
August 11, 2008
In 3-D: The Future Is Now
(Sundance Film Festival)
January 20, 2008
Film Appreciation
(Los Angeles Harbor College – Instructor Nancy Webber)
"150 Years of 3-D Movies: 1838 -2007"
Powerpoint/3-D Lecture
May 24, 2007
Angels and Demons on the Wall: Art, Design and Cultures of Projected Images
(UCLA Dept of Design and Media Arts – Instructor Erkki Huhtamo)
"Introduction to Stereoscopic Projection"
3-D Slide Lecture
May 11, 2007
Transformations 2 – The Perception of Perception (USC Arts & Humanities)
"Phantom Rides: Extracting Stereoscopy from Motion"
Powerpoint/3-D DVD presentation
January 19, 2007
"Glimmerings: Retinal Rivalry as an Artistic Tool"
3-D Slide Lecture
January 20, 2007
SMPTE Technical Conference (Renaissance of the Stereoscopic Cinema - 2006)
"Breaking the Cycle: Why 3-D Movies Fail"
Powerpoint presentation
October 20, 2006
SMPTE Digital Summit (NAB 2006)
"A New Visual Grammar for Stereoscopic Motion Pictures"
Powerpoint presentation with anaglyphic 3-D
April 21, 2006
Summer Teen Academy (Cal Poly – Pomona)
"Writing Pictures," An Introduction to Film as Literature
A Six-session Course for Summer Academy (2004)
July 28 – August 13, 2004
Hollywood Heritage Society (Lasky Barn)
"Hollywood 3-D" - Stereoscopic slide program
February 12, 2003
Los Angeles Public Libraries
3-D Slide shows on stereoscopic history - various branches of LAPL
1995 - 2012
Michael Dawson Gallery
3-D slide program: "LA3D: 100 Years of Los Angeles Stereographs"
October 13, 2001
National Stereoscopic Association - Y2K Annual Convention
Keynote Address: "My Life in 3-D"
July 9, 2000
American Society of Cinematographers
3-D Slide Program: "The Filming of 'Bwana Devil'"
April 24, 2000
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems III (SPIE & IS&T)
Keynote Address/3-D Slide program: "The Deep Image"
February 2, 1996
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
3-D slide lecture in conjunction with Science Exhibit "3-D: A Look in Depth"
Wednesday, October 24, 1990

"Arthouses debate 3D conversion"
January 11, 2012 (CES Daily Spotlight: Variety Entertainment Summit)
Film History, An International Journal
"A Window on Space: Dual Band 3-D Cameras of the 1950s"
Volume 16, Number 3, 2004 (3-D Cinema issue)
The Big Frame (Giant Screen Theater Association)
"nWave Pictures: Finding New Markets for 3D Digital Films"
Spring 2004
"NASCAR 3D: The IMAX Experience. IMAX Puts Audiences in the Driver's
Seat for a Thrilling 3D View of the Action on the NASCAR Racetrack"
Spring 2004
"Deep Views From Space: The Filming of Space Station in IMAX 3D"
Spring 2002
Motion Picture Editor's Guild
"Cut/Print" – Book Review Column
November/December 2004 to 2012
American Cinematographer
"Grace Under Pressure" Cinematographer Howard Hall leads a seasoned crew
into the depths for the large-format production Coral Reef Adventure
March 2003
"A First Orbit for 3-D" Intrepid Discovery astronauts take two new 3-D 65mm
cameras out of this world for the Imax film Space Station
May 2002
"Tracking the Giant Panda" The scenic Imax film China: the Panda Adventure
combines the substance of a documentary with the storytelling style of a feature
September 2001
"New Products" Bigger is Better, Iwerk's New 15/70 camera
March 2001
"Larger Than Life" Cirque du Soleil in glorious 3-D Imax
September 2000
"Matte Painting's Monet" An homage to master illusionist Albert Whitlock
July 2000
"Living Pictures," (with Chuck Roblin) an Illustrated History of Cinema
March 1999 (monthly) to November 2003.
"Book Reviews" and "Wrap Shot"
October 1999 to 2003
International Documentary
"Save Our Oceans! 'Coral Reef Adventure' Makes a Large Format Plea
February 2003

2012 Ray Zone Memorial Downtown Independent Ray's personal bulletin board close-up by David Starkman

2012 Memorial for Ray Zone board with old photos of him from his life at memorial at Downtown Independent Theater by David Starkman
"Nonfiction Film's Educationist" (Book Review)
July/August 2001
"Book Reviews"
November 1999 - 2004
"A Man with a Dream: The Wolper Years" (with Chuck Roblin)
Illustrated history
October 1999
The Hollywood Reporter
"Cinema's Evolution" (Whitepaper: Digital Cinema) Motion Pictures have been a
unique blend of art and technology since their inception more than a century ago
October 30-November 5, 2001
"D-fining the Future" Large-format 3-D goes digital
May 16, 2001
"Illustrated History" The Hollywood Reporter's own story is told in pictures
(with Alan Gansberg and Chuck Roblin)
November 2000
"Destiny 0101?" Digital techniques in film restoration
November 20, 2000
"Films With a Future" DVD has sparked a restoration boom
November 20, 2000
Los Angeles Times
"Getting the Big Picture on Space Exploration" IMAX enlists the aid of astronauts
to make the 3-D movie Space Station
April 17, 2002
"A Challenge Embraced" Actress Maria Bello found that working on the Imax format
movie China: the Panda Adventure demanded a new dimension in acting
September 13, 2001 (Calendar Weekend)
"The Big Scare" Large format screens show 3-D film, Haunted Castle
February 22, 2001 (Calendar Weekend)
Animation Magazine
"CG Species Steal the Show in 3D Planet" (SOS Planet)
February 2003
"'Tis the Season to Get Supersized" (Santa Vs. the Snowman)
December 2002 / January 2003
Electronic Media
"The ABCs of 3-D For the Small Screen"
February 19, 2001
Total Movie
"Books" The current crop of movie-related tomes dissected and scrutinized
Sept/Oct 2000 through April 2001 (issues #1 - 4)
Stereo World (National Stereoscopic Association)
"Detour to Midnight: Shooting Three Dimensions in the Dark Country"
July/August 2010
"Digital, Circular, Polarized Poultry: The 'Deeper' Meaning of Chicken Little"
January/February 2006

2008 NSA Grand Rapids, MI Susan Pinsky, Stephanie Anderson, Ray Zone and Phyllis Maslin by David Starkman

1992 Simpsons Illustrated Annual Magazine
2006 Grammy Award for Best Recording Package for 10,000 Days by Tool to Ray Zone

LA Weekly
"The Great Szukalski" Poland's Lost Artist Is Alive & Well & Living in Burbank
December 25-31 1981 (Vol. 4, No. 4)
Parabola, Myth and the Quest for Meaning
"Inner Faces" Masks in the Popular Formulas
August 1981 (Vol VI, No. 3)
Dreamworks, An Interdisciplinary Quarterly
"Sandmen: Nightmares and Dreams in the Comics"
Summer 1981 (Vol 1, No. 4)
Selected Corporate Clients (Stereoscopic Imaging)
Arclight Productions
"Digital Darkroom: The Art of 3D" – Anaglyph conversions/interview subject
December 2011
Redbull Records/The Faktion LLC
"Not Your Fault" AWOLNation 3D music video – 3D consultation
November 2011
Soleil Productions
Les Blondes 3-D – 3-D separations/3-D glasses
August 2010
IDW Publishing
Seduth 3D (Clive Barker) – 3-D separations/3-D glasses
October 2009
The Transformers: Spotlight Optimus Prime -3-D separations/3-D glasses
November 2008
RAW Entertainment
Bad Planet #3 – 3-D separations/3-D glasses
July 2007
Tool Dissectional LLC.
"10,000 Days" Tool 3D CD (First music CD with stereoscope)
Stereophotography, digital art conversion and 3-D consultation
May 2006
MIT Press
"Foundations of Cyclopean Perception" by Bela Julesz (book reprint)
Consultation on anaglyphic printing inks
May 2006
Nickelodeon Magazine
"The Comic Book" Special 3-D
Stereoscopic conversions and 3-D consultation
March 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009
Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
Facets of the Diamond Film Series– 3-D Finale
Anaglyph Conversions
December 8, 2003

"Threshold of the Future: 3-D Cinema Comes of Age"
September/October 2005
"New Technology for Large Format 3-D"
Spring 2005
"A 3-D Icon Turns 50: Behind the Scenes of Bwana Devil"
November/December 2002
"Tele-Stereo: A History" Color 3-D television in 1941
July/August 2000
"3-D Movie Peep Shows" 19th century stereoscopic movies
May/June 2000
"Beauties of the Anachrome" A history of the polychromatic anaglyph
March/April 2000
"The Return of Mr. Green" Friese-Greene's priority for stereoscopic cinema
January/February 2000
"The Shadowgraph" Anaglyph shadow shows at the Ziegfeld Follies, 1925
September/October 1999
"The Problematic Mr. Green" Stereoscopic motion pictures in 1893
May/June/July 1999
"Into the Station and Off the Screen" Lumieres' L'Arrivee du Train in 3-D
March/April 1999
ArtScene, the monthly digest to Art in Southern California
Art reviews 1984 - 2012
"Oskar Fischinger" Modernist filmmaker of the first music 'videos'
April 1998
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems III
SPIE- Proceedings -International Society for Optical Engineering (Vol. 2653)
Keynote Address: "The Deep Image: 3-D in Art and Science"
February 2, 1996
Stereoscopy (International Stereoscopic Union)
"Glimmerings: A Brief History of Retinal Rivalry"
June 2005
"Deep Black and White: 3-D Film Noir of the 1950s"
March 2004
"Bicameral Perceptions: Qualitative Aspects of the Stereoscopic Image"
December 1992
Art Gallery International
"Immaterial Presences: The Holography of Alexander" 1st holographic movies
December 1989
READER, Los Angeles's Free Weekly
"An In-Depth Look At 3-D" Single-strip 3-D movies break out in 1983
September 2, 1983
Journal of Popular Culture (Bowling Green State University)
"Boltbeak: The Art of Basil Wolverton"
Winter 1987 (Vol 21:3)

2012 Title slide for the Ray Zone Memorial Show at the Downtown Independent Theater, Los Angeles

2004 Susan Pinsky and Ray Zone on the Griffith Park Merry-go-Round by David Starkman

Tilt Gallery (Phoenix, Arizona)
"Room With a View: Stereoscopic Views Past to Present"
July 3 – July 17, 2009
Spokane Falls Community College (Spokane, Washington)
"Stereography: The Art of 3-D Comics"
April 14 – May 14, 2009
Black Maria Gallery (Los Angeles, California)
"Discover 3-D" Group Show of Stereoscopic Art - Curator
January 19 – February 16, 2008
Black Maria Gallery (Los Angeles, California)
"Hollywood Apocalypse: Nathanael West's 'Day of the Locust'" - Curator
March 29 – April 19, 2008
3D Center of Art and Photography (Portland, Oregon)
"The History of 3D Comics" – Co-Curator
July 19 – September 9, 2007
3D Center of Art and Photography (Portland, Oregon)
"Ray Zone, the King of 3D Comics" - Stereoscopic Art
June 25 – July 25, 2004
Pacific Science Center (Seattle, Washington)
"Adventures in 3 Dimensions" - Stereoscopic Consultation and 3-D Art
September 30, 2000 - May 6, 2001
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography (Tokyo, Japan)
"Optical Illusions and Magic Shadows" - Stereoscopic Art
January 21, 1995 - September 24, 1995
Fort Wayne Museum of Art (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
"Seeing is Believing" - 3-D Art and 3-D Slide lecture
October -November, 1986

Cahners Publishing
"CED, Premier Magazine of Broadband Communications," June, 2000
Stereoscopic conversion of 'flat images' to color anaglyph
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
"1699, When Virginia Was the Wild West," May 1999
Stereoscopic conversions, 3-D glasses and article 'How 3-D Works'
Harris Publications
"Guitar World" Magazine, 3-D issue, August, 1999
Stereoscopic conversions and 3-D glasses
DC Comic Books
Superman Beyond 3D – "Final Crisis" #1 & #2
3-D separations/3-D glasses, October 2008/January 2009
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Graphic Novel – "Black Dossier"
3-D separations/3-D glasses, November 2007
"Action Comics" No. 851, 3-D separations/3-D glasses, July 2007
4 issues of color 3-D comics: "Legends of the DC Universe," "Superman 3-D,"
"Green Lantern 3-D"and "Batman/Scarecrow 3-D," December, 1998
"Batman 3D " (First 3-D Graphic Novel) 1990
Bantam/Doubleday Dell
Stereogram illustrations (with Chuck Roblin) for 4 "Super Eye" Adventure Books
"Monster House," "Shark Attack," "Treasure Hunt" and "Prehistoric
Island," 1995
Sky Publishing Corporation
"Sky & Telescope" Magazine, 'Venus in 3-D,' August, 1993
Stereoscopic printing separations and 3-D glasses
[Subsequently reprinted in Discovery Astronomy, Wiley & Sons: 1995]
Walt Disney Company
"Disney Adventures Magazine" 3-D issues (July 1994, November 1993,
November 1992) - 3-D separations, editorial and 3-D glasses
"Disney Comics in 3-D" #1, 1992
"Roger Rabbit in 3-D" #1, 1992
"Rocketeer 3-D Comic," 1991
Pre-show 3-D slides and images - "Captain EO" (Japan), April 1987
Pre-show stereophotography - "Magic Journeys," March 1986
CMP Publications
"VARBusiness" Magazine - 3-D issue
April, 1989 - 3-D separations and 3-D glasses
RCA/Columbia Home Video
Autostereoscopic lenticular point-of-purchase display to promote
release of "Ghostbusters II" on VHS to video stores
National Geographic Society
Stereoscopic consultant for book "You Won't Believe Your Eyes"
Selected Museum Exhibitions

1982 3D Cosmic Publications editor Susan Pinsky with writer Ray Zone and printing ink color consultant John Rupkalvis at the printing of Battle for 3D World comic by David Starkman

Story by Ray Zone, Art by Jack Kirby
THREE DIMENSIONAL ALIEN WORLDS #1, July 1984--Art by Dave Stevens, Bill Wray, John Bolton, Art Adams, Rand Holmes
AV IN 3D, #1, Dec. 1984--Art by Terry Beatty, Valentino, Bill Loebs, Bob Burden, Dave Sim, Arn Saba
SHEENA 3-D SPECIAL #1, May 1985 (3-D #1)--Reprints 3-D Sheena The Jungle Queen, Dave Stevens cover art
MERLINREALM IN 3-D #1, October 1985 (#2)
3-D HEROES #1, February 1986 (#3)
GOLDYN IN 3-D #1, June 1986 (#4)
BIZARRE 3-D ZONE #1, July 1986 (#5)--Art by Spain, Scott Shaw!, Bill Stout, Robt. Wms, Terry Stroud, John Pound
SALIMBA 3-D #1, August 1986 (#6)
SALIMBA 3-D #2. September 1986 (#9)
MS. TREE 3-D #1, August, 1985


3-D WIMMEN'S COMICS #12, November 1987
MIRACLEMAN 3-D #1, December 1985
THREE-DIMENSIONAL DNAgents #1, January 1986
DOC STEARN...MR. MONSTER #10, June 1987--"6-D'' process has 8 pages of 3-D in a 4-color book
3-D ALIEN TERROR #1, June 1986
3-D THREE STOOGES #2, November 1986--Reprints Three Stooges #3 by St. John, One page of 3-D by Ray Zone
3-D THREE STOOGES #3, October 1987--Reprints Three Stooges #I by Jubilee
SCOUT 3-D #16, February 1987
LARS OF MARS 3-D #1, April 1987
CAPTAIN EO 3-D, July 1987 (Regular Size), August 1987 (Oversize issue)

1987 Ray Zone and Marjorie Webster holding a large garlic clove bunch at SCSC banquet by Susan Pinsky

DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE #1, February,1987--Art by Wood, Reprints A Star Presentation (1950)
PICTURESCOPE JUNGLE ADVENTURES #3, April 1987--Cover by L.B. Cole, Art by Jay Disbrow
ELECTRIC FEAR #4, May 1987--16 pages of 3-D in 4-color book
KRAZY KAT #5, June 1987--George Herriman art
RATFINK 3-D #6, July 1987
HOLLYWOOD 3-D #7, August 1987--Photo cover in color 3-D
HIGH SEAS 3-D #8, September 1987--Reprints St. John's Daring Adventures
RED MASK 3-D #9, October 1987--Frank Bolle "3-D" Effect Illustration
JET 3-D #10, February 1988--Reprints Jet #2 with art by Bob Powell and Al Williamson
3-D DANSE MACABRE #11, April 1988--Matt Fox art
3-D PRESIDENTS #12, June 1988 (Oversize)--3-D Photos and comics
3-D FLASH GORDON #13, September 1988 (Oversize)--Reprints Sunday strips by Alex Raymond
3-D TYRANOSTAR #14, October 1988--Bill Stout cover
3-DEMENTIA COMICS #15, November 1988--Cover by Harvey Kurtzman, art by Kubert, Maurer, Shaw!, Jim Engel, Bob Foster, Tony Alderson, Davy Francis
3-D SPACE VIXENS #16, December 1988--Stories and art by Dave Stevens and Bruce Jones
3-D HOLLYWOOD (Paperdolls), 1988--8 pages, Trina Robbins art
THRILLING LOVE 3-D #17, 1989--Feldstein, Kamen, Ward, Frazetta art
SPACEHAWK 3-D #18, 1989--Wolverton art
CRACKED CLASSICS #19, 1989--Bill Wray cover, Ward, Ditko, Severin, Davis, Everett
ARAGONES 3-D (48 page book), 1989--Sergio Aragones art

1988 Ray Zone buried beneath his 3-D comic creations, in jest, by Susan Pinsky

Zone Loves 3D Anaglyph Cartoon

2004 David Starkman and Ray Zone Aug by Susan Pinsky

2011 Ray Zone moderator LA Film Festival May by Jim Staub
1989 Susan Pinsky and Ray Zone at National Stereoscopic Assn. convention, Portland, OR
by Lawrence Kaufman

2003 - Laurence and Cassie Kaufman with Ray Zone at the Dec Academy of Arts and Sciences Facets of the Diamond Series Finale screening of Chicago with an anaglyph 3-D viewing beforehand of 3-D images of famous people shot by David Starkman
and converted to anaglyph by Ray Zone.
Photo by David Starkman

1982 3D Cosmic Publications editor Susan Pinsky with printer at the printing of Battle for 3D World comic by David Starkman

2011 Ray Zone with Lucy Chapa at Los Angeles 3D club banquet by David Starkman

Gail and Ray Zone at the LA Downtown
Independent Theater D.I.Y. competition night

2005 Hollywood Stereo competition judging with Chris Olson, Jim Long, David and Linda Thompson, Susan Pinsky, Lawrence Kaufman and Ray Zone in Glendale by David Starkman

2006 Jan Burandt, Ray Zone and Susan Pinsky at 3D Gala film festival opening at the Hollywood Grauman's Egyptian Theater by David Starkman

2006 John Hart, Susan Pinsky, Sean Isroelit, Kathy Day, Cassie and Lawrence Kaufman, Philip Steinman and Ed Ogawa center front by Susan Pinsky

1993 Ray Zone covered by his sons Johnny and Jimmy by Gail Zone

Chris Condon Dan Symmes & Ray Zone by Lawrence Kaufman

2012 Linda Nygren, Ray Zone & Sean Isroelit at NSA convention in Costa Mesa, CA July by Jim Staub

1982 Ray Zone Tequilla Mockingbird by Jim Staub

2004 David Starkman, Susan Pinsky and Ray Zone at the
Griffith Park Merry-Go_Round by Warren Deasy

2012 Ray Zone, Tom Koester and Eric Kurland with
LA3D club logo May by Jim Staub
2010 Kathleen Fairweather and Ray Zone at 3DIT
Awards Night by David Starkman

David Kuntz, Susan Pinsky. Terry Wilson and Ray Zone
at SCSC by David Starkman
1988 Ray Zone (1986-1988), Marjorie Webster, Bill Shepard, Jason Caldwell, Oliver Dean, Gail Zone, David Starkman and Jim Murray July by Susan Pinsky

2006 Ray Zone, Susan Pinsky and Larry Ferguson at the National Stereoscopic Assn annual convention in Miami, FL
by David Starkman

2004 3D Center Portland OR Ray Zone exhibit by Susan Pinsky

2004 Ray Zone at the Portland OR 3D Center for the exhibit on his work by Susan Pinsky

2007 Larry Ferguson, Susan Pinsky, David Starkman and
Ray Zone NSA Boise ID convention

2011 Eric Kurland, Ray Zone and Michael Snow with others at Bergamont Aug by Jim Staub

2008 Phil Captain 3D McNally and Ray 3D Zone
at Sundance Film Festival

2004 Window of the 3D Center of Art and Photography in Portland OR
by Susan Pinsky

2004 Susan Pinsky and Ray Zone at SCSC meeting
by David Starkman

2005 Stephen Gibson and Ray Zone at SCSC by Susan Pinsky
2006 Ray Zone with Bob Burns by David Starkman
2011 Stereo Panel Media Conference Liege, Belgium Ray Zone

1982 Page from 3-D comic book "Battle for a Three Dimensional World" written by Ray Zone, artwork by Jack Kirby, 3-D conversion by Tony Alderson.

1981 Fanfare Magazine with Ray's article, which led to major changes in Ray Zones life

2010 Jeff Amaral, Susan Pinsky, Dr John E. Hart, Lawrence Kaufman, Ray Zone and Kathleen Fairweather at 3D International Technology Awards
by David Starkman

2010 Ray Zone, Kathleen Fairweather, Bryan Golder, and Andrew Parke at 3D Korean International Film Festival

1985 San Diego Comic Convention ComiCon poster owned by Ray Zone-Colorized

2012 Ray Zone's face on Susan Pinsky's Quaker Oats box so she can see his smiling face every morning

In Your Face!
1980s 3D Films at the NUART Theatre
by Ray Zone


2009 Ray Zone on the set for the 3D Film "Slow Glass" by Lawrence Kaufman

2010 Ray Zone and Andrew Parke
in Korea

2011 NSA Award (National Stereoscopic Association)
"For Best Stereo World Article on Modern Stereoscopy"
First Place Award (Stereo Club of Southern California)
"Slow Glass" – Fifth 3-D Movie/Video Contest
Grammy Award (National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc.)
"Best Recording Package" – Tool "10,000 Days" 3-D CD
2005 NSA Award (National Stereoscopic Association)
"For Best Stereo World Article on Modern Stereoscopy"
William C. Darrah Fellow Award (National Stereoscopic Association)
"For Distinguished Scholarship and Extraordinary Knowledge of Stereoscopy" 2000
"OZZIE" - Gold Award Of Excellence
"Best Cover" - Trade (Under 100,000 Circulation)
VARBusiness, April 1989, Special 3-D Issue
INKPOT Award (San Diego Comic Convention)
"For Outstanding Achievement in Comic Arts"
The American Comic Book Awards (Atlanta Fantasy Fair)
"In Recognition of His Special Achievement in the Field of 3-D Comics"
July 25, 1986

STEVE CANYON 3-D #1, June 1986
ROBOTECH IN 3-D #1, August 1987
SVENSKA MAD (Magazine), 1989, (Swedish MAD)--16 pages of Bill Elder art in 3-D
THE PHANTOM, November,1989--16 pages of Lee Falk art in 3-D
SIMPSONS ILLUSTRATED 1992 ANNUAL (Magazine)--Steve Vance art
BATMAN 3-D (Graphic Novel), 1990--96 pages, John Byrne art
SUPERMAN RED/SUPERMAN BLUE, February 1998--3-D Cover Edition
SUPERMAN 3-D # 1, December 1998
GREEN LANTERN 3-D # 1, December 1998
BATMAN/SCARECROW 3-D # 1, December 1998
ACTION COMICS #851 (3-D Variant) August 2007--Adam Kubert art
LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN: Black Dossier (Graphic Novel) November 2008 17 pages in 3-D --Kevin O'Neill art
FINAL CRISIS: SUPERMAN BEYOND #1, October 2008 13 pages in 3-D -- Doug Mahnke art
FINAL CRISIS: SUPERMAN BEYOND #2, March 2009 13 pages in 3-D -- Doug Mahnke art
THE ROCKETEER 3-D COMIC, 1991--48 pages, Neal Adams art
DISNEY'S COMICS IN 3-D #1, 1992--48 pages, Carl Barks, Don Rosa, Gottfredson art
ROGER RABBIT IN 3-D #1, 1992
DISNEY ADVENTURES (Magazine), November 1992--8 pages of 3-D comics
DISNEY ADVENTURES (Magazine), November 1993--8 pages of 3-D comics
DISNEY ADVENTURES (Magazine), July 1994--8 pages of 3-D comics
SPECIAL 3-D ISSUE -- March 2005 -- 9 pages, Kim Deitch, Michael Dougan, Sam Henderson, Ross MacDonald art
SPECIAL 3-D ISSUE -- March 2006 --13 pages, James Kochalka, Sam Henderson, Mark Martin, Jef Czeka, Michael Kupperman art
SPECIAL 3-D ISSUE -- March 2008 --9 pages, R. Sikoryak, Mark Martin, Jef Czeka, Jacob Chabot art, Plus 8-page Sponge Bob 3-D mini-comic, Gregg Schigiel art
SPECIAL 3-D ISSUE -- June 2009 --11 pages, Brian Ralph, Jay Lender, Martin Cendreda, Jef Czeka, Jen Sorenson, Terry LaBan, Michael Kupperman, Marc Hemple, Laura Park art
TIGER BEAT; 3-D ISSUE, Vol. 7, No. 3, April 2009 -- 3 cartoons in 3-D
TRANSFORMERS SPOTLIGHT: OPTIMUS PRIME, 3-D Edition, November 2008 -- 22 pages of 3-D -- Don Figueroa art
CLIVE BARKER'S SEDUTH, 3-D Edition, October 2009 -- 24 pages of 3-D -- Gabriel Rodriguez art
LES BLONDES EN 3D, August 2010 --36 pages of 3-D-- Gaby & Dzack
FREDDY'S DEAD; THE FINAL NIGHTMARE, Vol. 1, No. 3-D, 1992 issue--14 pages of 3-D
BEHOLD 3-D #1, 1996--Nestor Redondo art
WILDC.A.T.S #1 3-D SPECIAL, August 1997--Jim Lee art
GEN 13/GENERATION X #1 (3-D Edition), August 1997--Art Adams
GEN 13 #1 3-D, September 1997--J. Scott Campbell art
WILDC.A.T.S/X-MEN: THE GOLDEN AGE 3-D #1, September 1997--Travis Charest art
GEN 13 3-D SPECIAL #1, October 1997--Art Adams, Tom McWeeney art
WILDC.A.T.S/X-MEN: THE SILVER AGE, October 1997--Jim Lee art
WILDC.A.T.S/X-MEN: THE MODERN AGE, November 1997--Adam Hughes art
Kurt Busiek's ASTRO CITY 3D SPECIAL #1, December 1997
MAXX #1 3-D, January 1998--Sam Kieth art
GEN 13 3D #1, February 1998--J. Scott Campbell art
MAGE #1 3-D, February 1998--Matt Wagner
WETWORKS #1 3-D SPECIAL, February 1998--Whilce Portacio, Scott Williams art
(Image Comics)
BAD PLANET #3 (Super-Terror 3D) (14 pages of color 3D) September 2007--James Daly III and Tim Bradstreet art
DANGER GIRL 3-D SPECIAL, April 2003 (48 pages of color 3D)--J. Scott Campbell, Alex Garner art
1699: WHEN VIRGINIA WAS THE WILD WEST, 1999--5 pages of color 3-D--Brian Stelfreeze art
THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR, Vol 13, No. 45, Winter 2006 -- 3-D Backcover (Captain 3-D #2 cover art by Jack Kirby)-- plus Jack Kirby Interview by Ray Zone
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED KIDS, 3-D Issue, December 2006-January 2007--1 page of Ray Zone 3-D
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED KIDS, 3-D Issue, November 2008-- 4 pages of Ray Zone 3-D

BETTY PAGE 3-D PICTURE BOOK, 1989--3-D photos
3-D SUBSTANCE (#1) 1990--Jack C. Harris, Steve Ditko art
AMAZON ATTACK 3-D, 1990--Howard Chaykin cover
3-D EXOTIC BEAUTIES, 1990--L.B. Cole cover art (new)
TEX BENSON #1, 1990--Chuck Roblin art (backcover in color 3-D)
TEX BENSON #2, 1990--Roblin art (backcover in color 3-D)
BIKINI BATTLE 3-D, 1991--R. Crumb cover art
PEEK-A-BOO 3-D, 1991--Bill Ward cover art
THE DEEP IMAGE, 1991 (40 page 3-D History with16 pages in 3-D)
3-D SUBSTANCE #2, 1991--Ditko Art
DAUGHTERS OF TIME, 1991--Jack C. Harris, K. Schaffenberger and Ditko art
TEX BENSON #3, 1991--C. Roblin art (backcover in color 3-D)
TEX BENSON #4, 1991--C. Roblin art (backcover in color 3-D)
3-D TRUE CRIME, 1992--Michael T. Gilbert cover, Jack Cole art
ZOMBIE 3-D, 1992--Robt. Wms cover, XNO, Pizz art
DRACULA 3-D, 1992--C. Roblin cover art
SURF CRAZED IN 3-D #3, 1992
MONDO 3-D, 1992--Robt. Wms cover, Carol Lay, Clowes, Byron Werner art, 3-D photos
BRAIN-BAT 3-D, 1992--XNO cover and art
DR. FRANKENSTEIN'S HOUSE OF 3-D, 1992--XNO cover/art, Dick Briefer art
ZORI J's 3-D BUBBLE BATH, 1993--Chuck Roblin art
ZORI J's BUBBLE BATH, 1993 (B&W, includes captions)
3-D SPACE ZOMBIES, 1993--XNO cover/art, Merinuk, Kalkhoven

MR. MONSTER'S TRIPLE THREAT 3-D, 1993--Michael T. Gilbert cover, Dave Stevens, Moore, Kitchen, Chadwick art
3-D HEAVY METAL MONSTERS #2, 1993--Scott Jackson, Daerick Gross, Dennis Worden art
FORBIDDEN 3-D, 1993--Ray Zone script, C. Roblin art
FORBIDDEN 3-D, 1993 (2-D Chromascope version)
Presents The Honeycomb Kid in 3-D Sports Action Posters, 1984--Jack Kirby art
(Set of 3)
Fireball Action!
Go For It!
BMX Fever!
STATS ETC. Presents 3-D ADVENTURE COMICS #1, August 1986 (16 pages)--Steve Vance art
LEATHER GODDESSES OF PHOBOS included with software from INFOCOM (9 pages) 1986 --Art by Rich Howell
MODERN PROPS Presents SANTA IN CRISIS (16 pages), 1987
3-D PRIMAX ADVENTURES (Warner Bros. Television) 1990-- 2 pages, Steve Vance art
ADAPSO Presents TEC TRACER IN 3-D (16 pages), 1990
CONSERVA-CAT COMICS IN 3-D #1 (Southern California Edison Company) 1992--16 pages Bill Stout cover/art
GARFIELD ADVENTURES IN 3-D (8 page rollfold comics) 1993--Jim Davis art
(Set of 3)
Incredible Hulk 3-D Comic Strips (6 Strips) 1997
3D SUPER HEROES (Sonric's Ice Cream--Mexico)
(12 page color 3D mini-comics) 2003--Various artists
(Set of 2)
Marvel 3D Super Heroes
Justice League 3D Super Heroes (DC)
SPY KIDS 3D: GAME OVER (McDonald's--America/Canada)
(12 page color 3D comics) 2003
(Set of 6)
No. 1 - The Chip that Shook the World!
No. 2 - The Diabolical Doctor Kent!
No. 3 - The Outbreak of Silence!
No. 4 - The Taking of the Presidency
No. 5 - The Demise of Doctor Kent
No. 6 - The Computer Planet