Chris Condon
Dec 7, 1923 - Dec 19, 2010
87 years old

Chris Condon with his Clairmont Camera
by John "J-Cat" Griffith

2006 Stewardesses 3D Sept 18 at Egyptian by David Starkman_03

1990 House of Wax ET Reporter, Andre de Toth, Chris Condon, Vincent Price 6 April Vagabond Theater by David Starkman

1980 Alan Williams, Marge and Chris Condon, Tina Butterfield and Susan Pinsky with others at Butterfields to see 3DTV
by David Starkman

1980 Susan Pinsky, Marge and Chris Condon, and
Takanori Okoshi at Jim Butterfield's office by David Starkman

Cinematography Pioneer.
Born Christo Dimitri Koudounis, he is noted as the inventor of the wide-screen 3D 35mm and 70mm reflex lens used for motion picture cameras.
After serving in the US Army Air Force during World War II, he began his career as a photo-optical designer at Century Precision Optics Holly-wood, California. Working with Hollywood producers, he received his first patent for a 3D projection system in 1953 and developed the Tele-Athenar telephoto lens used by Walt Disney photographers for the "True Life Adventure" television series.
In 1969, he founded StereoVision International and received the world's first patent for a single strip wide-screen 3D camera lens for 35mm and 70mm reflex motion picture cameras. For the next three decades, StereoVision supplied a range of 3D equipment for film projects in America and abroad, including in France, Israel, Japan and India.
As 3D cinematographer director for over 40 films, his credits include "The Stewardesses" (1970), "The Capitol Hill Girls" (1977), "Surfer Girls" (1978), "Jaws 3D" (1983) and "Evil Spawn" (1987).
His 3D imagery has been used virtually for every 3D movie including the box office hit "Avatar" (2009).
He also wrote the American Cinema-tography Manual, and in 2010 was the recipient of the International 3D Society's "Charles M. Brewster Award". Condon, whose work in 3-D filmmaking spanned 50 years, is the first individual to be honored for a lifetime of 3D innovation.
He continued to work as a consultant for 3D productions throughout the world until his retirement in 2008.
Cause of death: complications from a stroke.
Bio by: John "J-Cat" Griffith
1990 House of Wax director Andre de Toth, Chris Condon, Susan Pinsky & Vincent Price at Vagabond 6 April by David Starkman

Chris Condon and StereoVision
by Ray Zone
After Flesh for Frankenstein, AKA Andy Warhol's Frankenstein had been photo-graphed with Robert Bernier's Space-Vision, the decision was made in 1974 to distribute the film in 3-D using Chris Condon's StereoVision projection optics in the theaters. The contract kept the StereoVision company alive in the wake of its staggering success with The Stewardesses (1969) and the ill-advised decision by Condon and his partner Allan Silliphant to invest their windfall by starting a commuter airline as a subdivision of the StereoVision company.
Like Bernier, Condon had invented and patented a complete system for single-strip 3-D film which included both a stereo attachment for cameras and projection optics for the cinema. As much as Bernier, Condon was a champion of single-strip 3-D. His work was highly influential in driving the 1980s boom of single-strip 3-D films. Condon had devel-oped two separate single-strip 3-D for-mats for StereoVision with both an over-under widescreen configuration and a side-by-side anamorphically squeezed format. It was the side-by-side configuration that Condon had used to photo-graph and project The Stewardesses in 1969. When The Stewardesses opened in two of investor/distributor Lou Sher's Art Circuit theaters in 1969, one in Hollywood and one in San Francisco, the box office results surprised everybody.
"When we showed The Stewardesses," recalled Condon, "we had some control over the projection. Most people think that when you make a good film in 3-D, you're going to make a lot of money. But it has to be a film with stereoscopic elements that are used as part of the entertainment." From 1969 to 1982, The Stewardesses had over 400 playdates in North America. "We went to every single theater that played it in the United States and Canada," said Condon. "I went personally and set it up."
As a designer of optics, Condon's patented "Film Projection Lens System for 3-D Movies," proved highly pragmatic and found great use in theatrical exhibition. In a special licensing arrangement with Warner Bros., StereoVision optically printed House of Wax in a side-by-side single strip 3-D format and gave it a 3-D re-release in both 35mm and 70mm in 1970. In 1975 Condon again provided stereo projection lenses and consultation for a SpaceVision 3-D film with a limited re-release of Oboler's The Bubble, retitled Fantastic Invasion of Planet Earth.
The StereoVision single-strip 35mm 3-D lens attachment was granted a U.S. patent in 1984 but prior to that it had been used on numerous feature length
3-D movies including Charles Band's Parasite (1982) and Metalstorm (1983), Jaws 3-D (1983) from Universal Pictures as well as several of independent producer Earl Owensby's features including Rottweiler (1981), Chain Gang (1984), Hot Heir (1984) and Hyperspace (1984). In 1984, StereoVision single-strip 3-D was also used to photograph the first stereoscopic film in India with My Dear Kuttichaten.
Chris Condon served as a life-long champion of stereoscopic cinema in continually stressing the importance of quality in 3-D production and exhibition. A 1982 StereoVision manual written for clients by Condon, with the assistance of Robert Caspari, Paul Kenworthy and John Rupkalvis, was titled Principles of Quality 3D Motion Picture Projection. In this manual Condon wrote:
"Three dimensional motion pictures have the potential of being the most fascinating, the most realistic and the most entertaining of all the visual media. These marvelous films stimulate total visual perception. However, any errors in the highly specialized art of 3-D cinematography and any deviation from the well-known requirements of good 3-D projection can result in a visually mediocre show. Instead of being a wonderful entertainment experience, inexpert 3-D projection can cause viewing to be annoying and visually uncomfortable."
To assist stereoscopic cinematographers in the use of the StereoVision 3-D lens for photography, Condon, with the assistance of John Rupkalvis, in 1985 also wrote a Manual of Stereoscopic Cinematography. Illustrated with line drawings by Tony Alderson, this manual was created to be a useful field handbook for 3-D cinematographers. All of the technical specifications for installation and use of StereoVision single-strip 3-D lenses, as well as basic fundamentals of stereoscopic cinematography, were discussed with great clarity.
John Rupkalvis is a 30-year veteran of stereoscopic cinematography who often worked as a consultant with Chris Condon on numerous single-strip 3-D motion pictures including Metalstorm. Rupkalvis designed the StereoScope single-strip 3-D lens for photography of miniatures which was very useful during the photography of Metalstorm and was offered as a component of the Stereo-Vision production package. As a part of his 1980s promotional literature Rupkalvis prepared a useful comparison chart that identified technical specifications of the many single-strip 3-D camera systems available at the time.
StereoVision frequently prepared 3-D Questionnaires and polled patrons exiting theaters about 3-D movies. House of Wax director Andre de Toth, with whom Condon became a good friend, reported that on September 6, 1980 StereoVision conducted a survey of 200 patrons at the Egyptian Theater in Holly-wood. At the theater, 186 movie-goers (93% of those polled) said they wanted to see a "good" 3-D picture. 143 (72%) said they had never seen a 3-D movie and 116 (58%) said they would be greatly influenced to see a good film if was also in 3D.
For de Toth, as well as Condon, quality of 3-D presentation was paramount. "Projectionists have to realize that their carelessness or negligence can turn entertainment into torture," wrote de Toth. "Their contribution to the success of a 3-D movie is as important as that of those who shot it."
There were two fundamental limitations of the single strip 35mm 3-D film format. The first was uneven illumination of the two frame pairs in projection. The second was equally problematic with differences in center spacings of the two frame pairs that were assymetrical. In designing his Stereoflex 3-D projection lens, Condon took this deficiency into account so that his projection lens could be compatible with single strip 3-D films photographed with technology other than that of StereoVision.
The Stewardesses Takes Flight
"Huge Success Scored with New 3-D Process" read a headline in a January 1970 issue of Boxoffice magazine. The article by Syd Cassyd discussed a 3-D film that had just opened in only two theaters and was bringing in substantial box office dollars. "An old cliché about beating a path to the door when a better mousetrap comes along has been dragged out of the closet, shined up and hung in a prominent spot on the wall of Sherpix and Magnavision, joint owners of their first theatrical output of a modernized 3-D process which has already grossed $350,000 in two small theaters," wrote Cassyd.
The film was The Stewardesses and it was directed by Allan Silliphant and shot by Chris Condon, using the nom de camera Christopher Bell, in his side-by-side single-strip 35mm 3-D process which was named "Magnavision" at the time. Condon's side-by-side Magnavision 3-D format optically "squeezed" the two left and right frames, usually 2:1, so that they could be placed together in a single 4-perf 35mm frame producing an "Academy" aspect ratio of 1.33 to 1. Playing initially in two of Lou Sher's Fine Art circuit houses in San Francisco and Hollywood, The Stewardesses originally cost $14,000 to produce. More money was spent by Lou Sher incrementally to shoot additional, increasingly explicit, segments for The Stewardesses. With a $5 ticket price, The Stewardesses then played as a "multiple" in theaters in various roadshow versions with different degrees of sexual explicitness. By the fall of 1971, The Stewardesses had grossed over $11 million.
The side-by-side 3D lens had been production-tested in 1968 when Condon led an experimental production entity known as Magnavision3D. The Magnavision3D crew was comprised of Condon as stereo cinematographer, assisted by Dan Symmes and Allan Silliphant as director/screenwriter. After a few weeks of satisfactory results, the group was in contact with Louis K. Sher, president of the 40-theatre Art Theatre Guild (ATG) circuit. Sher enlisted the Magnavision3D group to make a 3D movie to complement the Art Theatre Guild repertoire, which at that time included Andy Warhol's Factory output from New York, and various 'soft-core' adult titles. The Stewardesses would be produced by Sherpix Inc., and its theme would reflect a lifelong fascination with aviation on the part of Condon.
StereoVision publicity materials relate the following story:
"While still in production, public interest in the new 3-D 'skin flick' was generated when a San Francisco vice squad detective caught an eye-popping glimpse [of The Stewardesses] and temporarily shut down the theater. Anxious to exploit their investment, the Centre Theatre management immediately wrote a newspaper ad in protest, stating 'We reserve your right to see this film' exploiting the war between 'activist' and 'establishment' factions in S.F. during the late 1960's.
Within a few weeks, the film's loosely-related story segments were made into a feature movie and released throughout the 40-screen ATG circuit."
The storyline of The Stewardesses is thin enough. A group of young "flight attendants" are shown at work and play during the swinging sixties. The following short plot description from the 2009 DVD release pretty much says it all. "It's 1969, and the skies are really friendly. Experience a day in the life of a group of swinging stewardesses where anything goes – sex, psychedelics…and more sex." Another familiar line also graces the front of the DVD clamshell box: "See the lusty stewardesses leap from the screen onto your lap."
In 1971, Magnavision had been re-incorporated as StereoVision International. Building upon the success of The Stewardesses, Lou Sher ordered a sequel, International Stewardesses, sometimes known as Supersonic Supergirls, which was released in 1974. The surprising financial success of The Stewardesses represents a triumph of cultural timing. Facilitated by single-strip 3-D projection using only one projector, driven by the counter-cultural revolution of the 1960s, the novelty of increasingly adult subject matter and the long absence from theater screens of 3-D movies, The Stewardesses capitalized on a unique historical moment.

2006 Chris Condon and Ray Zone at Stewardesses 3D Sept 18
by David Starkman

1980 Marge and Chris Condon at Butterfield's office
by David Starkman

1983 Chris Condon on location for a Nightrider TV 3D test shoot
at San Pedro WWII bunker by David Starkman

1983 Charles Smith and Chris Condon at Nightrider 3D test shoot at San Pedro WWII bunker by David Starkman

1990 House of Wax showing, Victoria Condon Silliphant,
Andre de Toth, Chris Condon and Vincent Price at Vagabond
6 April by David Starkman

House of Wax title

2013 3D Film Expo Sept House of Wax head by David Starkman

House of Wax man with paddle

1999 Chris Condon and Jim Mendrala at Academy Sept
by Susan Pinsky

House of Wax Vincent Price trying to put out fire in Wax Museum

2007 LA3D club John Rupkalvis, Chris Condon, Stephen Gibson and Arnold Herr by David Starkman 2

House of Wax iconic stalking scene
1999 Chris Condon at Academy Sept by Susan Pinsky

House of Wax still inside wax museum

2002 Chris Condon in front of 3D Festival Surfer Girls
at Nuart Theater by David Starkman

1984 Vista Theater with Kiss Me Kate Ann Miller by Susan Pinsky

1990 Vagabond Theater with House of Wax by David Starkman

House of Wax Vincent Price trying to avoid fire in Wax Museum

2002 Cleaning the 3D glasses at the Los Angeles Nuart Theater
3D filmfest Aug by David Starkman

House of Wax Carolyn Jones putting on hat from View-Master reel

1999 Chris Condon, Susan Pinsky and Jim Mendrala
at Academy Sept by David Starkman

2006 Chris Condon, StereoVision Inter. at 3D Filmfest, with Jeff Joseph, Filmfest Producer, Egyptian Theatre by David Starkman

1997 Cynthia Morton at Vagabond Theater on Wilshire Blvd for The Stewardesses by Susan Pinsky

2006 Chris Condon and Ray Zone at Stewardesses 3D Sept 18
at Egyptian Theater, Hollywood, CA by David Starkman

1983 Chris Condon at San Pedro WWII bunker for Nightrider TV 3D shoot by David Starkman

2007 Chris Condon with Lawrence Kaufman at Philip Steinman's house by Susan Pinsky

1953 House of Wax Credit shot
1953 House of Wax May Realist ad
Realist House of Wax Ad

1986 Los Angeles Times article 17 June part 1 and 2

1970 poster for 3-D film "The Stewardesses"

2006 Stewardesses 3D actors with Christina Hart, in blue, with Chris Condon Sept 18 at Egyptian Theater by David Starkman_20

1983 Chris Condon at San Pedro WWII bunker for Nightrider TV 3D shoot by David Starkman _2

1983 Metalstorm in 3-D at Pacific Theater by David Starkman

1990 Vincent Price and David Starkman at House of Wax in Vagabond Theater on Wilshire Blvd., LA, CA by Susan Pinsky

1983 David Starkman, Chris Condon and Bob Casperi on a thirteen city "Jaws 3D" projectionist teaching tour by Susan Pinsky

1983 David Starkman and Bob Caspiri in Atlanta, GA Universal Studios/StereoVision Jaws 3D projectionist tour by Susan Pinsky

2006 Stewardesses 3D actor Christina Hart with Chris Condon Sept 18 at Egyptian Theater by David Starkman_10

2006 Stewardesses 3D actor Christina Hart with Chris Condon Sept 18 at Egyptian Theater by David Starkman_9

2006 Lawrence and Cassie Kaufman at Stewardesses 3D film at Egyptian Theater, Hollywood, CA Sept 18 by David Starkman

2006 Stewardesses 3D actors with Christina Hart, on right, reunion with Chris Condon Sept 18 at Egyptian Theater
by David Starkman_16

2006 3D Filmfest Tom Koester, Stephen Gibson and Bob Swarthe and others to see Stewardesses 3D Sept 18 by David Starkman

2006 Stewardesses 3D actors including Christina Hart on right in 3-D glasses in audience Sept 18 at Egyptian Theater, Hollywood, CA by David Starkman_16

2006 Stewardesses3D Sept 18 at Egyptian David Starkman with Chris Condon by Ray Zone_05

1972 Los Angeles Times Jan 31 article

House of Wax Vincent Price trying to get away from fire inside
the Wax Museum

2006 Stewardesses 3D Sept 18 at Chris Condon being interviewed by Dan Symmes at Egyptian Theater by David Starkman_37

Vincent Price in background in House of Wax

1999 Chris Condon and friend at Academy Sept by Susan Pinsky

2007 LA3D club Chris Condon, Stephen Gibson and Arnold Herr
by David Starkman

Vincent Price at fire in museum in House of Wax 3-D film

1990 ET reporter interviewing House of Wax director Andre de Toth, Chris Condon and Vincent Price 6 Apr by_David_Starkman

1983 Chris Condon at San Pedro WWII bunker for Nightrider TV 3D shoot by David Starkman _4

Norling 3D Movie Camera by Chris Condon

1990 House of Wax Andre de Toth and Chris Condon 6 Apr
by David Starkman 012

1990 House of Wax director Andre de Toth with House of Wax poster starring Vincent Price 6 Apr by David Starkman 023

1990 House of Wax Susan Pinsky, Vincent Price, Alan Williams and Andre de Toth 6 Apr by David Starkman 035

1990 House of Wax Paul Picerni, Andre de Toth and Chris Condon 6 Apr by David Starkman 040

1990 House of Wax Vincent Price and Gail Zone 6 Apr by David Starkman 005

1990 House of Wax Vincent Price and David Starkman 6 Apr
by Susan Pinsky

1990 House of Wax director Andre de Toth with Chris Condon behind him 6 Apr by David Starkman 033

1990 House of Wax Paul Picerni, Andre de Toth and Chris Condon 6 Apr by David Starkman 010

1990 House of Wax director Andre de Toth, Dan Symmes, Chris Condon and Vincent Price 6 Apr by David Starkman 025

1990 House of Wax Vincent Price entering with Marjorie Condon greeting him 6 Apr by David Starkman 018

1990 House of Wax Andre de Toth, Susan Pinsky behind TDC Vivid camera and Vincent Price signing poster 6 Apr
by David Starkman 015

1990 House of Wax Vincent Price and Susan Pinsky 6 Apr
by David Starkman 032

1990_04_06 Andre de Toth, manager, Chris Condon presenting Vincent Price with plaque at Vagabond Theater before House of Wax screening by Ray Zone

1990_04_06 Manager, Chris Condon, Vincent Price and Paul Picerno at Vagabond Theater by Ray Zone 008

1990_04_06 Victoria and Chris Condon, Andre de Toth and Vincent Price at Vagabond Theater by Ray Zone 001

2006 Christina Hart and Chris Condon at Egyptian Theater by Juan Tallo

Cameraman with Chris Condon and Arrivision camera on Jaws 3D set

1983 Jaws 3D lobby card

1990 April Premiere Vagabond 3D Film Festival program 3

1990 April Premiere Vagabond 3D Film Festival program 1

1990 April Premiere Vagabond 3D Film Festival program 2

1953 Warner Bros House of Wax lobby card publicity still Vincent Price and Paul Percini

House of Wax StereoVision reissue poster

House of Wax Phyllis Kirk and Frank Lovejoy with stereo cameras

1982 Arrivision "Jaws 3D" film set with Chris Condon in back - colorized

Annotated Biography of CHRIS J. CONDON
"PIONEER of 3-D"
-AMPAS November 3, 2007, Rob Hummel, Director
FOR THE PAST 35 YEARS" - Peter Anderson, ASC
Chris J. Condon, Ph.D. (Honorary from Institute of Scientific Research, Naples, Italy, 1988)
Honored "3-D Pioneer" Speaker at seminar for "Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science" (AMPAS), on November 3, 2007.
Christo Dimitri Koudounis was born in North Chicago, Illinois and speaks English, Hellenic, and French.
1943 - Army Air Force Aviation Cadet Program
Air Force College Training Detachment - Rochester, NY
Air Force Officer Candidate - Scored highest on entrance written exam
1944 - Transferred to Lowry Field, Colorado for Aircraft Armament Training
August 1944 - Army Air Force B-24 Combat Crew Training
Awarded Valedictorian Silver Medal in Armament Training- Harlingen, Texas
December 2, 1944 - Married Marjorie Mae Hanson
Hammer Field Air Base, Fresno, CA
1945 - WWII Overseas Military Service
Served in 5th Air Force, B-24 and A-26 combat zone, Southwest Pacific Theatre
Experience as combat Crew & Cinematographer, awarded four Bronze Battle Stars
1945 - Post-war (Occupation duty, Itami, Japan)
Appointed NCO Commander of 1828th Aviation Ordnance Squadron
February 1946 - (USA) Condon and his wife arrived in California
Los Angeles - Highest score combination "artistic/technology design" aptitude test, Los Angeles College
Employed: Douglas Aircraft - Santa Monica, CA
Position: Industrial engineering trainee/innovator
1947-1948 - Early Entrepreneurship
Designer/Founder of Century Precision Optics Co. - North Hollywood, CA
Designer and manufacturer of renown ultra sharp light-weight Tele-Athenar telephoto lenses
Organizations joined: Air Force Association, Chapter #266
Treasurer, San Fernando Valley Squadron
1952 - Organization joined: SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers)
Awarded two bronze plaques for technical presentations
1953 - First associated with renown "House of Wax" Director Andre deToth
1986 - Condon later co-produced a sculpture related documentary in 35mm 3-D StereoVision with deToth
1953 - Issued his First U.S. Patent for 3-D projection lens system
1958 - 1960 - Special Technical Instructor, Columbia College of Hollywood - Movie Optics Instructor
1963 - Co-wrote new edition of American Cinematography Manual for ASC with co-writer Joseph Mascelli
1968 - 1969 - Issued his Second U.S. Patent for world's 1st Single-Camera 3-D Motion Picture Lens
Product Name: "Magnavision 3-D", Co-designer/Partner: Allan Silliphant
Specifications: Camera lens renders two, "side-by-side" anamorphized (squeezed) images on each frame of 35mm film stock.
1969-1971 - Establishment and success of Magnavision Corp.
Productions: "The Stewardesses" in StereoVision* 3-D (MPAA rated 'R')
became the third feature movie produced by Condon and Allan Silliphant
Note: "The Stewardesses" became the 6th highest grossing general release film of 1971. As reported by weekly periodical "Variety"
*Company name changed to "StereoVision International, Inc." not to be confused with "Stereo Vision Entertainment, Inc." whose President John Honour has fraudulently purported that he produced "The Stewardesses".
1971 - Organization joined: IFPA (Information Film Producers of America, Inc.)
1971 - Condon and Silliphant co-founded Sierra Pacific Airlines
1972 - Issued his Third U.S. Patent
Product: Special widescreen 3-D camera lens for modern 35mm and 70mm reflex motion picture cameras
1972 - 1980 - Co-produced several 3-D feature films such as "The Volcano Creature", "The CIA Girls of Capitol Hill", and "Mr. Howard's Crazy Airline"
1973 - StereoVision International, Inc. is re-organized
Chris J. Condon, President/CEO of StereoVision
Marjorie M. Condon (wife), Vice-President/CFO
* "ANDY WARHOL'S FRANKENSTEIN" in 3-D. Chris Condon, 3-D projection lenses and polarized 3-D glasses supplier, Exhibitor Consultant
* Eastern Media 3-D "DYNASTY", 3-D projection lens supplier and consultant
* "THE WILD RIDE" 3-D (short subject), Chris Condon, Producer
* "THE VOLCANO CREATURE AND THE SURFER GIRLS", Chris Condon, Co-Producer and Director of 3-D Photography
* Feature film "MR. HOWARD'S CRAZY AIRLINE", Chris Condon, Producer, Co-writer, Director of 3-D Photography, and Distributor
* Feature 3D Cinema Productions, "THE C.I.A. GIRLS OF CAPITOL HILL",
Chris Condon, Co-producer, Director of 3-D Photography, and Distributor
1971-1974 - Condon-Silliphant Co. distribution of 3-D films USA and Canada
Client: Warner Bros. Classics, "HOUSE OF WAX" (1953) 3-D
Note: StereoVision rented the 3-D projection lenses to over 400 theaters for all Warner Bros.' 1982 re-releases of above mentioned film in addition to Hitchcock's "DIAL M FOR MURDER" in 3-D
1982 - Chris Condon awarded U.S., Canada, Japan, and India, patent for Wide-Screen 3-D camera lens for reflex 35mm movie cameras
1969 to 2008 - Condon's StereoVision remained the major U.S. supplier of 3-D camera rental lenses and 3-D rental projection optics for theatrical exhibition to over 2,000 movie theatres
Note: Condon's associates rented polarized 3-D film (celluloid) attachments.
1983 - Cinematographer and Chief 3-D Consultant to production of highest grossing 3-D film of all time -- "Jaws 3-D"
Title: "COMIN' AT YA!" (1981), Distributor: Cannon Releasing
Note: After completion of principal photography, SVI (StereoVision International, Inc.) produced USA 3-D titles in English (from Spanish), provided consultation on 3-D print preparation to the lab and 3-D projection rental services to theatres.
StereoVision was appointed rental supplier of 3-D projection lenses throughout the U.S. and Canada for above mentioned film, and "HOUSE OF WAX", "FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3", "SPACE HUNTER", "STAR CHASER", and "DYNASTY"
1981 - 1985 - Feature films photographed in StereoVision 3-D:
Production Title: "PARASITE", starring Demi Moore
Producer: Charles Band, 3-D Lenses: Chris Condon
Note: provided consultation on 3-D cinematography, was the supplier of all 3-D camera optics and 3-D projection lenses to every exhibitor throughout the USA, Canada, and France
Title: "JAWS 3-D" (1983)
Co-producers: Alan Landsberg, Rupert Hitzig
Distributor: Universal Pictures
Note: Condon was chief 3-D Consultant throughout the entire production, post-production, and worldwide distribution. This extended to his 3-D consultation to the special effects unit in North Hollywood, CA
Prior to its theatrical release in 900 theaters by Universal Pictures, SVI, Condon's company was hired to conduct numerous 3-D projection seminars held in thirteen major cities throughout the U.S. and Canada.
After the film's opening, StereoVision's 3-D projection optics were rented to over 400 theaters in the U.S.A. and Canada
Note: "JAWS 3-D" is the most profitable polarized 3-D film to date
Production Title: "METALSTORM" (1983), starring Kelly Preston
Released by: Universal Pictures/Empire Productions
Rotoscope Special Effects Supervisor primarily used 3-D camera lenses provided by StereoVision
StereoVision was supplier of all 3-D projection lenses to all exhibitors in the USA, Canada, and France
India's first 3-D feature film was produced entirely with StereoVision, International 3-D camera lenses, including technical and artistic consultation provided by Chris Condon, which became a successful children's film on epic proportions
1985 - Letter of Commendation from Warner Bros, by Mr. Terry Semel, President
Numerous 3-D production consultations and 3-D lens rentals for production and exhibition
Reebok athletic wear: "DANCE PARTY in 3-D"
Venue: Fashion industry sales rallies throughout the Orient
Condon's 3-D lenses are used at Scientific and Educational venues in Japan
NIGAATA, GALAPAGOS ISLAND, SHURI BRIDGE, HOKKAIDO, and many other Japanese 3-D short subjects are produced by Dentsu-Prox of Tokyo, Japan
1985 - Letter of Commendation, SMPTE, for "Large Format" presentation
1985 - 1990 - Condon's 70mm 3-D for Numerous Venue Promotions in France and Japan
The following projects were filmed and projected in Condon's 70mm 3-D systems:
Expo 85, Japan
Production Title: "ETERNAL MAN AND IRON"
Filmed in Condon's new format "Ten Perf 70! 3-D
Producer: Dentsu-Prox, Tokyo, Japan
Large Screen (90 feet wide)
Client: Tetsuren Steel Pavillion Expo '85
1987 - Letter of Commendation by American Society of Cinematography (ASC)
1987 - IMAX enlarged Condon's 70mm 3-D technology for aerial camera mounted scenes in "WINGS OF COURAGE" starring Val Kilmer
1987 - Production: "SUPER STARS AND STRIPES" in 3-D
Producer: Jeff Kutash -Kutash Dancin' Machine -shown in venues as Las Vegas, NV and Atlantic City, NJ
1989 - Production: "FAMILY CIRCUS" in 70mm 3-D
Producer: Extension - Paris
Client: Renault - France
Note: Film was successfully shown to audiences throughout Europe for Renault automobiles and others
May 1991-1993 - Sponsors World's First Special 3-D Movie Festival
Event: Vagabond 3-D Film Festival
Venue: Vagabond Theatre, Los Angeles, CA
Note: Condon and partner Mitch Matovich exhibited more 3-D films than anyone else in any single venue to date -- over 30 features and shorts in 3-D single-, and dual-projector
1995 - Condon commences creation and cinematography of first spiritual theatrical 3-D film on location in Israel entitled "The Holy Land"
1998 - 2000 - A New Generation of Special Venue 3-D projects
Note: Abovementioned projects were all co-produced by Condon who, in concert with his company Stereo Vision Systems, provided 35mm 3-D Camera Lenses and Projection Optics and 3-D Glasses for thousands of theatres worldwide
Project Title: "DIG: BEYOND INFINITY" in 3-D (short subject), (youth-oriented sports)
Client: Radioactive Records
Shown for over a year at Knott's Berry Farm amusement park
Subject Title: "EDGE OF REALITY" (short 3-D subject)
3-D Consultant: Chris Condon
Note: Unique 'Extreme Sports' USA footage includes world's first 3-D close-up of surfing, skate-boarding; rock climbing, and snow boarding
Tent-mounted Theatre Premier -- First showing in a tent-mounted theater at Woodstock '94 and traveled throughout USA and Canada
1990 - 3-D's expanding enthusiastic community lauds Condon with Lifetime Achievement Award
"Our sincere gratitude for the 3-D Film Festival and for his Lifetime Dedication to the Advancement of 3-D Motion Pictures" -- The Stereo Club of Southern California 3-D Movie and Video Division, June 2, 1990
1990 - 2005 - Condon's 3-D technology used for Product Promotion at Special Venues
Chevrolet "THE HEARTBEAT OF AMERICA", shown at auto shows and in Holland -- 3-D Lenses, Chris Condon
1994 - 3-D presentations at Woodstock '94
1998 - StereoVision 3-D camera lenses used at James Cameron's request for Steadi-Cam filming of "TERMINATOR II 3-D" (T23D), expanded to 70mm 3-D by James Cameron's productions company Lightstorm Entertainment
3-D Lenses: Chris Condon
2000 - Installed 3-D projection optics for "EDGE OF REALITY" at Knott's Berry Farm amusement park
2002 - Condon begins principal 3-D photography on his legacy feature film "The Young Liberators", the exciting true story of America's most decorated air mission of World War II
2001 - Production Title: "I LOST MY M IN VEGAS", filmed in 3-D StereoVision and StereoScope 3-D
Client: MGM Hotel/Casino Las Vegas, NV
2005 - Condon's StereoVision 3-D lenses return to France and win Awards
Production Title: "LA REVOLE", a spectacular 3-D musical featurette for Wine Consortium special venue, Wine Museum, Rheims, France
Domenique Bennecheti, Producer, Director
Also reviewed with critical acclaim in 2006 at Disney's 70mm screening room in North Hollywood, CA
2007 - 3-D theatrical documentary film in production "IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS" utilizing 35mm 3D footage filmed in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and many other historic/religious locations -- anticipated theatrical release in 2008!
1959 - Advanced Education
1962 - President's Award, St. Nicholas Church, Northridge, CA
1969 - First 3-D U.S. Patent Issued
Certificate: Optical Design & Engineering, - U.C.L.A.
Certificate: Special Optical Effects for Motion Pictures - U.S.C.
1972 - Faculty, Columbia College, Hollywood, CA, Motion Picture Optics
1976 - Honorary Membership: StereoKino, Moscow
1983 - Certificate: 3-D Motion Picture Technologies - U.S.C. Cinema
1984 - Honorary Membership, India Society of Cinematography
1986 - Honorary Banquet, Dentsu, Japan
1992 - Honorary Doctorate Degree: Doctorate in Scientific Research -
Instituto de Recherche, Naples, Italy
2003 - Technical Seminar in Three Dimensional Imaging, Chris J. Condon, Keynote Speaker, 3-D Technical Symposium - San Jose, CA, sponsored by SPIE (Society for Photographic Instrumentation Engineers)
2007 - "PIONEER of 3-D", Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (AMPAS)
2008 - Inventor of NEW 3-D™. The world's most advanced three dimensional motion picture system.
American Cinematography Manual, 1963
Principles of Quality 3-D Motion Picture Presentation published by the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) in 1983
A New Large Format 70mm 10P65 Camera Design, SMPTE, 1988
Manual of 3-D Cinematography and Projection, 2008 (co-author)
Chris J. Condon has been involved as a 3-D motion picture Producer, Consultant, Distributor, and Director of 3-D Cinematography on over 40 3-D feature films, documentaries, and shorts in as many years.

2010 International 3D Society Technology Award 19 Feb to Chris Condon for the 1969 film The Stewardesses by Susan Pinsky 028

2010 International 3D Society The Charles Brewster Lifetime Achievement Award for Chris Condon by Susan Pinsky

2007 Chris Condon at Philip Steinman's house 3
by Susan Pinsky

2009 Right to Left - 1st row: Larry Brown, Susan Pinsky, Ray Zone, Chris Condon, a man, Alan Silliphant; 2nd row: David Wilson, Eva Hausan, Jim Staub and others at a LA3D Movie meeting Jan 10
by David Starkman

From the man who brought you all these other informative books